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basic overview about what is going on in my life

Autor:  zayrine
Hey Joe!
And finally, there is a reply from you =) And even written at this most amazing time of the night...
Hm, I`m back in Germany and I have to say, I`m suffering from culture shock! At least that`s what I think.
Although the truth is, that I haven`t had that much time yet to do anything besides checking for mail from England and working on this really, really stupid application forms. And it`s only 2 of them! Today, rather soon, I will post the last one, and then I`m free!
Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, I`m free at last!
It`s strange to think about being back for only 2 days, because everything is just like always. My Mum even left the old, rotten milk in the fridge, so that I would feel like coming home =)
So, let me tell you what I have done those last two days...

Okay, and here I am, and it is once again the next day.
Oh, I thought it might be a good idea to finish the application forms first and it really was a good idea, because then I realized that I had forgotten to put a second personal data sheet in the application for the first uni and so I had to send it all once again...
Which kept me fairly busy until about one o`clock.
then I started to feel hungry, but in order to be able to cook, I first had to clean the whole kitchen (and I`m not exxagerating. You can not imagine how dirty it is. I vacuumed today, I know what I`m talking about...!). After getting the clean dishes out of the dishwasher and the dirty ones in there, I decided this much cleaning would do for the time being. I went on in my task to get me a meal with looking into the fridge.
It look pretty well filled and so I was rather positive and already looking forward to lunch.
BUT! yes, of course there ist a but, there is always a but...
I realized one thing - you do not have to leave Germany and go to foreign countries just to discover new things. All you have to do, is open the fridge in my house and you might even find a yet unknown living species in there.
What I found:
A container with potatoes, swimming in a strange, yellow sauce.
Not edible anymore.
A container with spagghetti, already starting to dissolve.
Not edible anymore.
A container with fish fingers (do you know what that is? it is what the dictionary tells me, but I don`t exactly trust that thing. It is a small slice of fish, covered with... breadcrumbs or something, and you fry it.)
so, a container with fish fingers, already starting to mold.
Not edible anymore.
Ham and cheese, already molding, too...
Not edible anymore.
A really interessting glass pot, filled with something that I could define as pasta salad. But only if you lift up the pot and look at it from underneath - the surface is already covered with a nice, white blanket of mold.
Definitely not edible anymore.
A container with something, that, once upon a time, might have been a piece of meat. You can neither get this by shape, nor by look nor by anything else, I am just guessing...
Not edible anymore.
This is, when I decided to stop.
The fridge did not exactly look well filled anymore, but now, our rubbish bin did.
I was still hungry.
In my desparation, I did the only logical thing and cooked some rice.
I did find some good potatoes, carrots, an onion and red beans and turned it into a stirfry.
So, at half past 2, I was finally able to have lunch.
I finished only minutes before my Mum came home and so I could go back to work immediately. At 10 past 4 we had everything printed out, tripple checked, filled out, signed and packed into envelopes.
At half past 4 it finally was in the post box or letter box or mail box or what ever =)
(Yes, I do remember that it is neihter mail nor letter box. But is it a post box???)
And now it is definitely all finished!!! Just one more test to come on Monday...
But a get some free time and time to unpack my stuff and hand out omiyage and fill the "box of things that are for Joe" and... just do nothing or clean or house...
So, no, I haven`t had anytime yet to get bored... too much going on...
And if I want to have some more things to agonise over and worry about - all I have to do is talk to my Mum, she is happy inform me about everything that happened in my absence. =)
Oh yes, being back home is fun! =)

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