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The Master's Game



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A familiar face

It was only then when she actually recognized his face, and suddenly her racing heart calmed down, even though she knew about how dangerous that man was.

"Oh," made Roka. "You look different."

With the blond hair and the thin goatee he had grown, it was a surprising difference to the man she had seen first, be it only for a short time.

The Master took a step back, observing her curiously and after a moment his eyebrows raised, accompanied by an amused smile. "Ah, I remember. You were there when I build the paradox machine." He chuckled at the memory. "Suddenly just standing there and watching me. Like a ghost."

She remembered too. That day when he had ran inside the TARDIS to regenerate into a handsome young man, rambling some nonsense and then running off. Since she had no idea how to control the TARDIS she had had no choice but to stay inconspicuous and hide, only to get bored of it quickly and taking a look. Another Time Lord wasn't a thing she could have just ignored.

At first he hadn't noticed her of course, but after a while he had started to chuckle to himself, before turning around and strolling to the seat she had placed herself in. There he had observed her closely, without saying a word, as if unsure whether or not she had been real.

"A shame you ran away..." The Master interrupted the memory. "Thought you were quite interesting, sitting there as if it was nothing." He leaned close again, putting a hand under her chin to make her look up. "Not the slightest hint of fear in your eyes... again."

That day she had just smiled up to him, telling him that he would forget about her anyway, before leaving the room and a very perplex Master behind.

"Where did you hide, little ghost? It was a whole year after all and I've never seen you again."

Roka shrugged. "Can't remember." He must have activated the machine shortly after and everything from then on was lost to her.

She slightly winced when he put two fingers to her throat.

"Peculiar..." He made it sound like she was some sort of experiment. "Eyes can hide fear, but not your pulse. And yours is calm as a pond..." He chuckled to himself and grinned at Roka. "That's gonna be fun. I think I like you already."

"Please don't," she stated sarcastically and got back another amused grin.

"Shall we tell the good news to the Doctor? I bet he'll be delighted." The Master grabbed her arm and pushed her forwards. "Move. And remember... don't try anything funny."

The whole way back he held her arm grabbed, so she couldn't run. And probably also not to risk forgetting her. It was a short walk and not enough time to make any useful plans. She would have to wait and observe, being careful and smart to find a gap somewhere in his net.

The cell was mostly empty. Just an ordinary table and a chair stood in it. As soon as the door opened the Doctor sprang up, rushing towards the Master with a grim face.

"Lucky you, Doctor. Look what I just found." With that he pushed Roka into the room. The Doctor recognized her a few seconds later. It was always the same look people had when they realized her presence. A look of surprise and remembrance.

"Oh no... no, no... don't tell me you followed me," he uttered in disbelieve and concern.

Roka looked away. "I thought I wouldn't get noticed."

Suddenly she felt the Master crossing his arms on top of her head, again ignoring her personal space. He seemed to have fun with that, and Roka felt uneasy at being so close to another person., let alone this particular one. She could feel his two hearts beating against her back, calm and slow, and Roka couldn't avoid thinking about what a weird sensation that was.

"Don't dare to harm her!" The Doctor stood and rushed towards them. "You have me, don't..."

"Her?" The Masters voice sounded surprised. "I thought you were a little boy. Why are you running around like that?"

Roka looked up as good as she could and smirked at his surprised expression. "To let people like you think I'm harmless."

He glared down at her for a moment, then laughed. "Do you hear that, Doctor? Not an ounce of fear in that voice. And that although I could just poke a hole through her chest. Right now... right in front of you. Just to upset you."

From the Doctor's stories she knew that the Master wasn't just spilling out empty words. If she wasn't careful, he would make his threat reality. But she also remembered the glint in his eyes when she had suggested the deal.

"Would be quite the short game if you did," she remarked. "And boring."

The arms moved from hear head to her shoulder, spinning her around and pressing her against the next wall. All air got pressed out of her lungs in an instant and Roka sucked in a surprised breath, before glaring dumbfounded at the Master.

"Yeah, that would be a shame. Wouldn't want to miss playing with you. But I can hurt you... Very slowly and very... very carefully..." He paused, the mean grin fading and he raised an eyebrow. "Still not scared? Interesting."

"My pain threshold is higher than usual." Her gaze got mean. Why had she said that? Her own mind was screaming at her, but for some reason she couldn't resist to provoke him. "Try me."

The glint in his eyes was back, mixed with amusement this time. He let go of her and turned around to the Doctor, who looked as if he was about to throw himself at the Master at every moment. Probably only not doing it to not put Roka into any more danger than she was in anyway.

"Listen to that. She's begging for it!" A mean laugh followed his words. "Doctor, I didn't know you were able to pick up interesting pets." And he proceeded to explain their little game to him with a happy smile as he saw the Doctors eyes widen in fear.

"No! Don't do that! Roka, don't..."

"Oh, let the girl have some fun. It was her idea after all."

The Master chuckled and sent a mean grin in her direction, that she somehow couldn't resist to return promptly.


Roka sat below one of the big windows, watching the rain outside, sitting in a way that put her slightly behind some crates and made her hardly visible to the Master. In the end she just had to wait and he would forget about her, like people always did. All that was needed was a bit of patience.

Time enough to think about a proper strategy. Well... there actually wasn't much to plan. First she had to find out where the Master stored the keys to the Doctor's cell, and the rest would be easy.

Carefully she looked at her enemy, sitting at his desk, looking like he was just doing some kind of casual office work, probably plotting something. Then she looked back outside and sighed.

Being in danger was only thrilling for so long.

Now she had gotten bored and looking over the crates she wished she could snatch some of the parts around her to build something. One of her favorite things to pass time. All those years in the TARDIS had given her enough time to refine her skills and help the Doctor with all kinds of repairs. It hadn't been a lie. The Doctor himself called her his janitor from time to time.

Again she sighed. She shouldn't make herself noticeable again, but...

"Hey..." she said carefully, waiting for the Master to look up. "Care if I use some of that stuff?" She nodded towards the components.

He tilted his head to the side, observing her for a moment, before answering, "What for? There's no weapon hidden in that junk."

"I'm... just bored." She shrugged and saw him raising an eyebrow.

For a few moments the Master just stared at her, cold and mildly curious. "Repairing the TRADIS, eh? I don't believe you. But there, go ahead, impress me." He chuckled to himself and attended to his work again.

Roka sprang up, eager to take a look at all the stuff around her. There were some really interesting gadgets and broken parts. Some were completely alien to her, others seemed at least vaguely familiar. She had seen some of the things on various planets, others in the TARDIS. Lot of the stuff was broken or taken apart, but an idea sprang to her mind when she saw a still functioning quantum stabilizer.


"Done!" Widely and satisfied grinning she observed the result. The chip had gotten really small and the magnetism wouldn't destroy it's functionality like the first time she had made something like that. A rustling of cloth made her look up and she saw the Master stepping towards her, a cup of steaming coffee in his hands. She stared at it with craving eyes.

"You... cut out some plastic." He looked down to her, taking a sip. "And there I hoped you would be interesting."

"The plastic is just the hull." Roka heaved herself from the floor and, before the Master could stop her, let the chip drop into his cup.

"Oi! What are you thinking, you're doing there?"

"Don't mourn, wait a few seconds." She held up a hand to silence him. "I combined a quantum stabilizer with some basic carofrum wires... had to take apart one of the Fh'smarg devices, but..." The Master stared at her with cold eyes and she hurried to explain, "It keeps every liquid it comes into contact with at a stable 60° Celsius. Perfect drinking temperature. And since it powers itself via heat..."

The Master burst out into a laugh, then grinned sarcastically at her. "Seriously? You spent hours for something useless like that?" He raised the cup.

"Uhm, stop! Don't drink that!"

Lowering the cup again he stared at her with amusement. "Let me guess... it's not safe? What a surprise. There, kill yourself." With that he pushed the cup into her hands and walked away.

"Oh, the chip is," mumbled Roka. "But I don't think you want to risk swallowing that thing. Unless of course, you want your blood boiling."

Slowly the Master turned around and started to laugh. "My, you're stupid."

"I'm not!" she protested, but the Master just laughed louder.

"Oh, but of course." He stepped back and lowered his head down to her. "You warned me... and there you had the chance to kill me in the most ridiculous way ever. With coffee..."

Roka lowered her eyes and bit down on her lip. "Why would I want to do that?" she mumbled and put a flat magnet at the cup's bottom. "There, now the chip will stick to the ground." Satisfied smirking she looked back at the Master.

Somehow, now that the initial situation had settled, this aura of threat had seemingly vanished from him. Not that he appeared less dangerous now, but at least Roka didn't feel like frozen around him anymore. The she realized she had been staring at him during this whole thought process and hastily turned away, not even thinking of returning the coffee. Instead she took a big sip.

"Oi, don't just keep it, cheeky human!"

"At least I can be sure it's not poisoned. You can thank me later."

"For what?"

"For never having to endure cold coffee again." Roka leaned against the wall and glanced over the rim of the cup, giving him an amused grin.

For a moment he just coldly stared at her and she feared to have gone too far. It was so hard to tell what he was up to. One second it seemed as if he could smash everything and everyone in his way on a whim, the next he was so calm and composed that it was even more threatening. The Master appeared to be floating between being a childish madman and a battle hardened general. Someone, who had seen and done the unbelievable, but couldn't control himself all the time.

In some ways he was very similar to the Doctor. But Roka grasped immediately that this was only on the surface.

The moment faded and the amused glint came back into his eyes.

"Not very impressive... technically. But creative, I admit." The Master turned around and grabbed a strange gadget from the pile, only to rudely push it into her free hand. "Here, look at that."

"What is it?"

"Tell me."

A test, thought Roka. She turned the thing around in her hand, carefully observing the parts. At first glance it looked complicated, but the wiring and that...

"That's... a very fancy remote detonator. Doesn't make much sense this way though. If you want it to go off by rusting away... you should change that part here with another kind of metal. This one takes ages to oxidize."

She hadn't even ended the sentence when he ripped the thing out of her hand and shoved another device inside it. "How about this?"

"Uhm..." She had no idea what it could be. It looked like a thick metal bracelet. But as she took a closer look Roka could see fine veins going through it. Glowing very faintly when held into the light at the right angle. What could be its purpose? It looked and felt vaguely familiar... She closed her eyes, trying to let her brain solve it. Somewhere in this net of information should be an answer.

When she opened them again, she glared right into the Master's face, who had his fun ignoring her personal space once more. Surprised she leaned back a bit, blinking perplex and feeling her heart rate speed up unexplainably.

"Err... it... that's..." she stuttered and stepped back. "I think it's a portable translation device. If so... probably very limited in its capacity, so you can only choose one or maybe two languages. Although... With your Time Lord technology you could probably fit in a storage chip that is way bigger than the device itself."

"Alright... you're not so stupid after all." Tilting his head he observed her curiously. "Maybe I'll use your brain for one or two... things."

"Ha! Told ya!" She grinned proudly.

He looked amused at Roka. "I guess you already know what I want to do to your planet. Aren't you a bit too eager to help me with that?"

"As long as you let the Doctor stay alive. Earth has never done any good to me, humanity neither." She shrugged and sat down next to the window again, taking another sip from the coffee.

It was true. There wasn't much that bound her to earth. And not a single person knew about her existence. Only the Doctor had given her a home to stay, and for that she would be eternally grateful.

The amusement in the Master's eyes got even bigger, and he squatted down in front of her. "Seems like we're going to have lots of fun together."

Roka rolled her eyes to show him what she held of that statement, but froze when he reached out a hand to her.

But all he did was stealing his coffee back out of her hands and returning to his desk afterwards.



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