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As Time Goes By


Chapter 20: As Time Goes By

The crew of the Bismarck spends the next few months going between Saber's estate and Calvary Command. As the months go by, Robin becomes less enthusiastic about Colt leaving her side, so for the last few weeks; they have stayed at Saber's Estate. Saber, wanting to get away from everything, decides to return to Calvary Command to see if there have been any developments. He is in Commander Eagle's office chatting with him when they receive a call. Commander Eagle accepts the call and Athrun appears on the screen before them.

“Hello, Captain Zala. How are things progressing with the repairs to your ships and the colony?” Saber asks.

Athrun nods, “Things are progressing well. Lacus has made some, shall we say interesting changes to the Eternal, and our mobile suits are better than before. As for the colony, things are fairing well. We have gotten most of the people back into normal housing, not just shelters and life is almost back to normal. We've not noticed any enemy activity since the attack on Merla's base. I was wondering if you had any news.”

Saber shakes his head, “We’ve had no reports of any activity. I've also been frequently going between here and my family's estate, and I've not seen anything personally either. I noticed you said that there have been some interesting changes made to the Eternal, what kind of changes, if I may be so bold to ask.”

Athrun hides a smile, “Well, it can now transform into a robot, much like the former version of the Bismarck was able to do. The weapons were also upgraded, so it has a bit more firepower.”

“I'm glad that the upgrades are done. It will be interesting to see the Eternal in it's new state. I wish that I had news for you, everything here is as normal as it can be.”

“Are you all back at Calvary Command?” Athrun asks.

Saber shakes his head, “We are mostly staying at my estate. Colt's wife Robin is due to have their child in the next few weeks, so moving her back here didn't seem like a good idea. I have been going between here and there. Sort of patrolling as I go in between the two, looking for any signs of unusual activity.”

Athrun nods, “Probably a good thing that you are doing that. You might notice something that could easily be missed otherwise”

“So, how are things with all of you?” Saber asks.

“We are doing well. Kira and Lacus have been busy with the upgrades and Cagalli has been overseeing the rebuilding efforts. I have been monitoring for any sign of Merla or anyone else and practicing in my suit, so I can adapt to the upgrades,” Athrun replies. “I'm not sure how to take this extended break from fighting. I don't wish to fight, but I can't help feeling that we haven't seen the last of Merla.”

“I know what you mean. I have the same uneasiness about it. I don't like that there has been no sign of her since we destroyed her base. It's one of the reasons I keep patrolling between the two places. I want our presence to be known,” Saber says. “I won't be fully able to relax until we've killed her,” he adds coldly.

Athrun looks a bit startled by his tone but nods in agreement, “I fully understand your sentiments, Captain. I feel the same way. She has killed far too many people, and I know that more could die the longer she remains alive.”

“I agree. If I knew where she was, I'd suggest attacking her outright before she has a chance at us, but since that's not possible, we just have to remain vigilant and try and stop her when she shows herself,” Saber says.

Athrun sighs and nods, “I'll keep you abreast of any changes from here. Please let us know when the cowboy officially becomes a father. We'd like to come and visit then, if things are still relatively calm.”

Saber nods, “I'll let you know of any developments, on either front,” he adds with a slight smile. The connection terminates and Saber turns his attention once again to Commander Eagle. “Well, what are your thoughts on the current situation, Sir?”

Commander Eagle sits silently for a minute, “I think that you should enjoy the break while you can. I feel that this isn’t over, and that when she shows herself again, it will not be good. I just hope that we are prepared well enough to defeat her once and for all.”

Saber nods, “So do I, Sir.” They both sit quietly for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Saber eventually breaks silence, “I think I’m going to go out for awhile. Please contact me if there are any developments.”

“I will, Saber,” the commander replies.

Saber stands up and nods, then leaves the office and gets Steed before heading out towards the farming village with which he has become well acquainted the past couple of months.

He rides at a steady pace, relaxing as he ventures further away. After a while, he arrives at the outskirts of the village. Several people wave to him as he passes; he nods in reply, continuing on until he reaches the school yard. A group of children see him approach and call to him. He slows down as he reaches them and dismounts. Almost immediately he is surrounded and having several questions thrown to him at once. He holds up his hands, laughing, “All right, All right, one question at a time, please. I can't make heads or tails of what any of you are asking when you all speak at once.”

The children fall quiet and the oldest one steps forward, “We were wondering if you were going to visit for a while today.”

Saber nods, “I was planning on it.” Several children start talking excitedly at once again and he laughs, “As I said before, I can't understand you when you are all talking at one time.”

Again the children fall silent, just as Amanda comes rushing out of the schoolhouse, “Oh, hello there, Captain Rider.”

Saber and the children all turn towards her, “Good afternoon, Miss Kelly.” he replies.

She smiles as she reaches the group, “Are you just stopping for a brief visit?” she asks.

“I was going to see if I could stay for a while. It's a lot less hectic here than back at the base or my home for that matter,” Saber replies.

The children start talking excitedly again and Amanda shushes them. “Well, today is their field day. You are welcome to stay and watch with me if you'd like,” she says, the kids all looking up at him hopefully.

He sees the kids watching him and smiles, “I'll stay as long as I can.”

The kids start yelling excitedly and Amanda pulls out a whistle and blows into it, creating a loud shrill sound that quickly silences the kids. “Now, I want two teams, and it needs to be a mix of boys, girls, big and small. If it isn't I will pick the teams for you. Do you understand?” Several heads nod and the children break off into teams. Amanda watches them and once satisfied, she tosses the ball to them.”I'll be keeping score. The losing team has to do cleaning duties all of next week.” Several children groan, but then they begin their game. Amanda and Saber both sit and watch silently for a while. “So, what made you decide to come all this way?” Amanda asks quietly, while marking down a goal on her tablet she has on her lap.

Saber looks over to her briefly, then back out to the children, “It's a lot more peaceful here, than at Calvary Command, or at my home right now. Besides, I enjoy the company,” he adds quietly.

A slight blush creeps to Amanda's cheeks, but she pretends not to have heard the last comment, “So what makes it so hectic at your home, Captain?”

He chuckles, “Please, call me Saber. And to answer your question, I live on the English Federation Colonies and one of my team members is having a baby, so things are not very peaceful. I come to Calvary Command to escape the chaos at home, but at times, even that isn't enough, so I come out riding. I somehow tend to keep returning here.” Amanda hides a smile as he continues, “I rather enjoy my time out here, it's peaceful and you and the children are pleasant company,” the last part spoken barely above a whisper.

“Well, I'm glad you came, and the children really enjoy you coming. It's like a treat to them. You don't look down on them, like so many of the adults do around here,” Amanda replies.

“They act like children, Miss Kelly. Why should anyone expect them to act like adults, they will be grown soon enough,” Saber states quietly.

Amanda nods, “I feel the same way, Ca- Saber,” she replies quietly, hesitating momentarily before saying his name. “Oh, and please, call me Amanda. It seems only fair, that if you wish to be addressed by your name, that you address me likewise.”

Saber smiles and nods, “I'll try and remember that.” He notices the other team score. “Looks like they're back to even score again. This could play out a while,” he says amused. “They seem to really take the game seriously.”

Amanda laughs, “They do. None of them enjoy doing chores, so this is their way to get out of them.”

“Is that why you threatened to choose the teams if they didn't seem to be fairly dispersed?” Saber asks.

“Yes, and I know that if left to their own devices, they would have very uneven teams and it wouldn't be much of a game. They know if I pick the teams I will purposely separate certain friends, so they would rather run themselves.” They suddenly hear a scream from the field and both jump up, heading out towards the children. One child is on the ground crying, several others are gathered around her as the adults reach the group. “What happened?” Amanda asks, kneeling beside the injured girl.

“She got a ball to her face, Miss Kelly. She went to follow it and got caught in a bad kick. It was an accident,” an older girl says, looking down nervously at the crying child in Amanda's arms.

Amanda looks up to Saber, “Would you mind watching the kids, so I can take her in and tend to her?”

Saber nods, “Not a problem.”

“Thank you,” Amanda replies, helping the girl stand and leading her into the schoolhouse.

“All right everyone, go back to the game. I'll keep score while Miss Kelly is inside,” Saber says and the kids slowly return to their game. He goes back to where they were sitting and sits down, picking up the tablet and placing it on his lap as he watches the game; occasionally marking down a goal.

A little while later, Amanda and the injured girl come out, the child holding an ice pack to her face. They both sit down one on either side of him. “Are you feeling better?” Saber asks the girl, concern evident in his voice.

The girl looks up and nods, “Yes Sir, I will be okay. Thank you for asking.” She lowers the ice pack and he can see some slight bruising. “Can I go back out and play now, Miss Kelly?” she asks enthusiastically.

“If you promise to be more careful and you feel up to it, I suppose you can,” Amanda replies, amused. The girl nods and rushes back off to the playing field, quickly joining the game.

Saber watches her with amusement and laughs, “That didn't seem to keep her down for long.”

“It usually doesn't. She'll be showing off her black eye for the next several days,” Amanda says shaking her head and laughing. She starts looking around where she's sitting when Saber holds up the writing tablet,

“Looking for this, Amanda?” he asks, amused.

Amanda looks and sees the tablet, looks down trying to hide her embarrassment. “I was wondering what I did with it,” she says quietly, trying not to laugh.

“I grabbed it when you took the girl in to tend to her, so they could continue playing. As far as I know it's accurate,” Saber replies.

They sit quietly for a while, watching the game. “I suppose I should call half time, so they can take a break and get a drink and a snack. I don't want them getting too tired out.”

“Would you like some help?” Saber offers.

“Sure. Let me get them to sit down, then we can go and get the drinks and snacks,” she replies. She calls them over and the kids all find shade under the trees and sit down to rest. Once they seem to be settled, Saber and Amanda go and get the snacks and drinks and pass them out before returning to where they were sitting. “Thank you for all of the help today,” Amanda says gratefully.

Saber nods in acknowledgment, “Glad I was able to be of use.”

“You said earlier that you're actually from the English Federation Colonies?” Amanda asks.

“Yes. That's correct,” he replies.

“So are you related to Senator Rider? The one who was killed in that attack on the ship a few months ago?” Amanda asks quietly.

Saber nods slightly, “Yes, he was my father.” he replies barely audible.

“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought up such a painful memory,”Amanda says, sounding embarrassed.

“No, it's all right, Amanda. It is still a hard thing for me to talk about, but I don't mind. I lost a few loved ones on that day, actually.” he pauses and takes a breath before continuing, “My mother and fiance' were with him on that ship.”

Amanda gasps, “I'm sorry.” she replies sympathetically.

Saber shakes his head, “It's all right. It cannot be undone, those that survive have to continue living. It hasn't been easy, but I have accepted that and I am trying to move on. I think once we defeat the one responsible for the attack, I will be able to finally have peace over the situation.”

“I admire your resolve, Saber. I'm not sure how I would be in your situation,” Amanda says quietly.

Saber shrugs, “There are days that aren’t so easy for me, but I know that my family would want me to get past this. The woman I was engaged to once told me that people come into your life to teach you certain lessons, and that once they are done meeting the people they need to and teaching the lessons they are sent to be taught, they are set free, so that those left can apply the lessons they have learned.”

“That sounds very logical to me. It sounds like she was a very wise woman,” Amanda replies.

“She was,” Saber replies quietly.

Amanda marks down another goal and watches the kids silently for a while, “May I ask what her name was?” she asks hesitantly.

Saber turns and studies her for a moment before replying, “Her name was Sincia,” he says quietly. “She was also a school teacher, come to think of it,” he adds absently.

Amanda nods, not sure what to say. They lapse into silence again, each one involved with their own thoughts. “So, are you going back home today?” Amanda asks, trying to break the silence.

Saber comes back to reality, “I'm sorry, what did you ask?” he says, a bit embarrassed.

Amanda smiles, “I asked if you were planning on going home today. It's Friday, so the weekend is approaching.”

“Ah, Sorry that I was out of it,” he replies quietly. “I haven't actually decided if I am going home or just staying at Calvary Command tonight. I suppose it will depend on how long I stay here with you,” he says lightly.

Amanda nods, “You're welcome to stay as long as you want.”

“Thank you, Amanda,” he says sincerely. “I enjoy the time I get to spend here with you and the children. It's nice to have conversation that doesn't involve fighting or strategy,” he adds.

She smiles at him and relaxes a bit, looking back towards the field in time to see a goal scored by the team that was behind. “Well, this game could go on forever at this rate,” She says laughing.

“Is there some sort of time limit?” Saber asks curious.

Amanda looks at her watch, “They have about ten more minutes before I call game.”

“What happens if it's tied?”

“They have a shootout,” She replies matter-of-factly.

“Shootout?” Saber asks hesitantly.

Amanda smiles, “It where each team takes three shots, sort of like a penalty shot. One player versus the goalie. Each team gets three chances. They have to choose three different players to make the shots, it can't just be one person to do it. Usually one team comes out ahead by the end of it.”

“Makes sense. I'd just never heard the term 'shootout' referred to in a game before,” Saber replies.

“I'm not sure who came up with it. But it's just a term I've always heard, so I use it. It seems to be a logical use for the term,” Amanda says. Saber nods and Amanda stands up and blows into her whistle, “Two minutes!” she yells to the players.

Saber stands up and stretches, walking over to where Amanda is standing. “What's the score?” he asks, trying to glance at the paper.

“They're tied at seven each,” she replies without looking up. Just then, the girl who was hit earlier scores a goal and Amanda blows into her whistle. “That's game people!” she says walking towards the children. Several kids groan and complain about lack of time. “You've been playing all afternoon. It's time for a water break, then it'll be time for you to pack up and head home.” Several kids start to grumble about the outcome. “Unless you want me to assign homework for the weekend,” she adds, laughing as several kids quit complaining and scurry into the schoolhouse.

“You wouldn't?” Saber asks, amused at the response.

“Why not?” Amanda asks, trying to sound serious.

“That's a bit harsh, isn't it?” He asks, hiding a smile.

“I don't think so,” she says nonchalantly.

Saber shakes his head and laughs, “You're tough on them, aren't you?”

Amanda nods, “Yeah, but not so much that they despise me,” she replies. “And I wouldn't actually give them real homework, just don't tell them that,” she adds mischievously.

“I think I'm glad to be out of school. I'm not sure I'd make it in your class,” he says teasing her.

“You'd probably be a troublesome one, wouldn't you?” she taunts, trying not to laugh.

“With you as a teacher, I would have been tempted,” he replies, trying to sound serious.

She laughs, “I'd have been rough on you then. Made you do cleaning and such until you learned I was a force to be reckoned with.”

The kids start coming out of the schoolhouse carrying various bags. “Bye, Miss Kelly. Have a good weekend! Bye Captain Rider!” Several of the kids say, as they dash past the pair towards the gates to the school yard.

“Good-bye children. Have a good weekend,” Amanda says as the children leave the school yard. Saber waves to them as they leave.

After several minutes, the children have all left and Saber follows Amanda inside the schoolhouse as she gathers her things. “Is there anything I can do to assist you?” he asks, feeling a bit unsure of what to do.

Amanda looks up from her desk and smiles, “I'm almost done; thank you for offering.” She finishes writing down a few things, and then gathers up a couple of books and a small bag, placing them in her desk drawer. “Would you like to have some dinner?” she asks a bit nervous.

Saber looks at her, a bit surprised, “I don't want to keep you from anything.”

“You wouldn't be. I usually just go home and read on Friday evenings,” she replies. “I know it's late, so I don't want to make you feel obligated or anything,” she finishes quietly.

Saber listens quietly and nods, “If it's not any trouble, I'll eat with you. I just don't want you to go to any effort.”

Amanda smiles, “Trust me, it's nothing fancy. I made stew in a crock-pot and I figured I'd eat off of it most of next week. So all we have to do is dish it out.”

Saber smiles, “All right, then that sounds good. Lead the way.”

Amanda leads Saber out of the school house and to a small cottage adjacent to the school yard. “Well, this is it. It's not much, but it's all that I need,” she says as she unlocks the door and opens it, indicating for him to follow her inside. She goes in and turns on a light, as they enter the smell of the stew hits them.

Saber looks around as they enter the cottage, “The stew certainly smells good, Amanda. Thank you for the invitation.”

They make their way into the kitchen area and she takes a couple of bowls out of the cupboard, placing them on the counter, then dishes out some stew. Placing the bowls on the small table, they sit down and dine, chatting about various things. Eventually they wind up sitting on the front porch talking when Saber realizes just how late it is as he notices that the sun is almost set. “I didn't realize how late it's gotten, I suppose I'd should be going,” he says as he stands up, sounding apologetic.

Amanda stands up and nods, “I didn't realize we've been talking for so long, I hope I haven't caused you any problems.”

Saber shakes his head and smiles, “Not at all. I'm not afraid of being out after dark, but it's probably not wise to go the whole way in darkness, if I can avoid it. I have thoroughly enjoyed today. The children, the dinner and your company, all of it has been nice. Perhaps we can do it again sometime,” he replies honestly, causing her to blush slightly.

“I'd like that,” she says quietly. “I've enjoyed this evening. It's not often that I am able to have a stimulating conversation with an actual adult.”

Saber laughs, “I'm flattered that you think I'm stimulating conversation. I look forward to seeing you again, Amanda.”

They start walking back to the school yard, where Steed is waiting. Saber whistles and Steed comes over, stopping not far from where they stop to talk. “Thanks again for visiting with the children today, and with me, Saber.”

He smiles and leans in a kisses her cheek before mounting Steed. “I hope we can see each other again soon,” he says as he takes the reins.

Amanda nods, “Come by anytime. You can come on the weekends if you want. I don't usually do much, so I won't mind company.”

Saber nods, “Perhaps I can bring you to Calvary Command to spend a day with me, to give you a change of scenery.”

“I'd like that. Just let me know when,” she replies.

“Perhaps tomorrow?” Saber asks a bit nervously. “Seeing as I never know when something could happen,” he adds quickly.

Amanda smiles, “Sure. If it's not too much trouble.”

“All right then, I'll come by in the morning. If something changes, I'll do my best to find a way to get a message to you,” Saber replies. Amanda nods. “Then I'll see you in the morning, Amanda. Good night.”

“See you then, Saber. Good night.” Saber turns towards Calvary Command and rides off, Amanda watching him for a brief time before going inside her cottage.

Commander Eagle is waiting for Saber when he returns to base. He watches him closely as he takes Steed into the hangar area. “Is everything all right, Saber?” Commander Eagle asks sounding a bit concerned.

Saber nods as he turns to face him, “Yes. Funny I was about to ask you the same question, Sir.” he replies.

Commander Eagle studies him for a moment before answering him, “Everything is fine here. I was just worried when you were gone for such a long time.”

Saber chuckles, “Evidently, there seems to be a consensus that I am some sort of fragile person that could go off the deep end at any moment. I assure you, I am fine. I'm actually better than I've been since this whole thing started.”

“Well, I am relieved to hear that. Although I'd like to know just what you've been up to when you go off for so long recently,” the commander prods as they enter his office.

Saber goes and sits in a chair in front of the desk and watches the commander closely, trying to decide how to reply. “Well, I've been going to the village a few kilometers outside the base. I have made friends with the children there,” he replies.

Commander Eagle listens closely and notices that Saber seems more relaxed than he has in a long time, “How about we talk about this over dinner? I'm sure you've not eaten today.”

Saber chuckles, “Actually Sir, I've eaten already,” he replies casually.

Commander Eagle looks at him surprised, “Really?” Saber nods. “Was it a real meal or something like a piece of fruit?”

“It was a real meal, Sir. Nice company and conversation as well,” Saber replies.

“So you ate with some of the children and their parents?” the commander asks.

“No, I dined with their school teacher,” he says, trying to hide a smile. “Her name is Amanda Kelly. We have been talking the last several weeks when I went to see the children, and when she offered me a meal, I debated for a while whether I should or not.” he pauses briefly before adding, “I'm glad I stayed.”

Commander Eagle smiles and nods, “I'm glad to hear that you have found a distraction, Saber. It does explain your frequent and extended absences. Is this the same village that you went to a few months ago when the PLANT colony was attacked?”

Saber nods. “Yes, it is,” he replies. “You know, I thought I'd feel worse about spending time with someone, but I don't really. I'm actually looking forward to seeing her again tomorrow, provided nothing changes overnight. Does that mean that I didn't feel as strongly as I thought I did for Sincia? Am I lessening her memory by doing so?” he asks frankly.

Commander Eagle's gaze softens as his eyes meets Saber's and he sees the conflict within his eyes, “No Saber, it doesn't negate her memory. If anything, it proves that her influence is strong. You said that she would want you to live your life, and not wallow in despair, right?” Saber nods slightly. “That is what you're doing, isn't it?”

“Not intentionally,” he replies, suddenly sounding unsure of himself.

“Saber,” Commander Eagle begins, “you are finally allowing yourself to move forward. That's a good thing. If something works out with this woman, great, if it doesn't, then at least you know that you can still feel something. I wasn't sure if you would ever allow yourself to even think about being with someone again, to be perfectly honest. But when you arrived back here tonight, you were like a different person. You were relaxed. That is something I've not seen since the day that your parents and Sincia were killed. To me, that is progress.”

Saber takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, “I just don't want to hurt Amanda. What if ...what if I decide I can't go through with this?”

“With what?” Commander Eagle asks.

“I'm not even sure what I'm actually trying to ask. I plan on seeing her tomorrow, so what if things don't go well?” he asks sounding a bit agitated and nervous.

Commander Eagle smiles, “Then you take her home, bid her good night, and you don't go back. You both move on. It happens, you'll figure it out. How did you figure out what to do when you were with Sincia?”

“It was an arranged marriage,” he replies quietly. “Our parents betrothed us when we were children. So I've never had to think about such things.” He pauses as he sees the commander's reaction, “But I do not doubt that I loved her,” he adds firmly.

Commander Eagle looks startled for a moment, but regains his composure quickly, “I know you did, Saber. I have no doubt of that. I was just surprised when you said it had been an arranged marriage. I never knew that.”

“No one other than our parents knew,” Saber says quietly. “Perhaps that's why this is all strange to me. When I told you of my impending engagement, I was referring to my formally giving her a ring, not actually proposing. I knew our engagement was different than others, but it was all I knew, so it was normal.”

“Well, take this one day at a time, That's really the best advice that I can give you. Spend time with her, talk to her about everything, including your relationship with Sincia. It's better if she knows about that upfront. Don't be afraid to admit you're nervous, you don't know, she may be having the same thoughts as you are. Have fun and relax. You have your whole life ahead of you, take your time and get to know her. If it works out, good, if it doesn't, learn from it,” Commander Eagle offers.

Saber listens intently, nodding his head on occasion, acknowledging the points being made, “Thank you, Sir for listening to me. I suppose I'd better head to bed, as I told her I'd see her in the morning. I may bring her here for a while, to show her what my life is like, if that is all right, Sir.”

The commander nods chuckling as Saber stands up, “It's fine, Saber.”

“What's so funny, Sir?” Saber asks.

“I find it humorous that you are calm and collected in battle, and yet this woman that you've met has you thrown off. It just strikes me as amusing,” Commander Eagle replies.

Saber smiles slightly, “Well, goodnight, Sir. I'll bring her by to meet you tomorrow if things are going well,”

“I look forward to it,” he replies as he stands and escorts Saber to the door.

Saber stops and turns back to face the commander, “By the way, could I borrow your car tomorrow?” he asks, sounding a bit embarrassed.

Commander Eagle laughs, “Of course you can. Don't want to bring her in on Steed?” he asks teasingly.

Saber chuckles, “Somehow I'm not sure how that would go over. I don't know how I'd feel with a passenger, either.”

Commander Eagle walks back to his desk, opening a drawer, he pulls out a set of keys and tosses them to Saber, “Here. It should have fuel, if not let me know. Otherwise, have a good time.”

“Thank you, Sir,” he says and goes to his quarters, getting up the next morning and heading back to the village to meet Amanda.

He arrives at the school yard to find Amanda outside waiting for him. “Good morning, Amanda,” he says as he parks and gets out of the car, walking over to her.

“Good morning, Saber,” she replies brightly as she looks over the car curiously.

“It isn't mine,” he replies to her unasked question. “It belongs to my commander. He let me borrow it for the day.”

“Ah, I see,” she replies and chuckles to herself.

He looks to her amused, “What?”

“I guess I still expected the horse, although I'm not sure how well that would have worked,” she says grinning.

Saber laughs, “I almost forgot that Steed might not be the best mode of transport for two people. That could have been, interesting to say the least.”

He opens the car door for her, then gets in the driver's side and they head off for the day. Over the next couple of weeks, they meet up several times. They are on their way back to Calvary Command when Saber's com-link goes off, “This is Saber, go ahead.”

Commander Eagle's voice comes over the link, “Saber, I've just spoken with April and I think you might want to head home.”

“Is everything all right?” he asks, sounding concerned.

“Robin is in labor, and I thought that you might want to be there,” the commander replies.

“Thank you, Sir, I'll be as quick as I can. Saber out,” he replies closing the connection. He then turns to Amanda, “We're almost to Calvary Command, you said earlier that you have vacation next week, so would you like to just come with me?” he asks a bit hesitantly.

Amanda looks surprised for a moment and thinks before answering, “I suppose I could, it would certainly save some time for you.”

He notices her hesitation, “You would have your own room and we can get you some clothes, if you're concerned about that. If you don't want go, I will take you back home, I'd understand.”

Amanda studies him for a moment then she nods, “Let's go. It could be fun.”

Saber smiles and nods, “I'm glad you're coming, if you change your mind, let me know, all right?” he adds quietly.

Saber's com-link comes to life again, this time Thomas is on the other end, “Sir, I thought you should know that Ms. Robin is in labor.”

“I've heard, Thomas. How is she?” he asks.

“According to Elaine, everything is progressing normally. Are you coming back?” Thomas replies.

“Yes, and I'll have a guest with me. Please get a room ready for her. We should be there in a few hours,” Saber replies.

Thomas' voice falters slightly, “Yes Sir. I'll personally see to it.”

Saber smiles at the thought of Thomas' face, “Thank you,” he replies amused. “We're arriving at Calvary Command and will be leaving for home shortly. Saber out.” He closes the connection and notices Amanda staring at him curiously. “What?”

“I thought you were a Captain, not a king,” she says trying not to laugh.

He parks the car and comes around helping her out of the car, “Well, you know my father was a senator, and even before that he was a nobleman. I inherited the entire estate, so I am sort of treated differently I suppose, though I personally prefer being a solder, I'm not one for all of the political aspects of the game as my father was.” They arrive at Commander Eagle's office and find him eagerly waiting.

“Do you need me to give you a ride back, Amanda?” he asks. Amanda shakes her head in reply.

“She's coming with me, Sir,” Saber replies, getting a look of surprise from the commander. “Thomas already knows and is preparing a room for her.”

Commander Eagle suppresses a smile and nods, “Then why don't you take one of the scout ships. It's big enough that you can load Steed into it and for the both of you to be comfortable.”

“Thank you,” he replies, handing the car keys to him. “I need to go and grab my bag, and then we'll go.” He turns to a soldier that is walking past, “Would you be so kind as to load my horse onto the scout ship they are preparing for launch?”

“Yes, Sir!” the soldier replies scurrying off.

Saber looks back to the commander, “I wish you could come, Sir. But I know that it's not possible. I'll keep you updated.” Commander Eagle nods and Saber and Amanda make their way to his quarters and to the ship. They get seated and everything loaded and they take off for Saber's estate.

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