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Protect my balls! Liedtext, Random, south Park

Autor:  Zetsubo

I have a wonderful penis
There is hair on my balls
Is that the sound of a baby monkey?
No! Ninjas are here!

Hey hey let's go! Getting in a fight!
The important thing is to protect my balls!
I am badass, so let's fighting...
Let's fighting love! Let's fighting love!

This song is a little stupid
It doesn't make any sense
English is all fucked up
But that's okay, we do it all the time

Let's Fighting Love [klicken, ansehen, freuen.]


Der Beweis, dass der Inhalt eines Liedes vollkommen egal ist, solang es einfach nur richtig gut nach Action klingt XD

P.s.: Ja. ich habe Heut den ganzen Tag nur South Park geglotzt.