Not fast enough von Stubsii ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: Part Two ------------------- It was bright again. Days have passed since the other Varia members found Bel and Fran lying on the floor. Bel hasn’t spoken a single word since. Today Fran was going to be buried. Bel didn’t attend the funeral. The prince couldn’t bear with it. Seeing the grave and the coffin would mean that his Frog never came back. He’d be gone. Forever. Instead he visited the grave two weeks later, when he had gotten back to work and sort his thoughts. Bel just sat there in front of the grave. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t even think. Everything was a big mess again. - - - - - - - - - - - Stupid prince don’t just sit there – - Say something – Fran didn’t know how but it was possible for him to watch the lover he had left behind. Fran wasn’t sitting on a cloud with cute white wings like books and movies tried to tell. He was standing right there, next to his prince, in his usual clothes. Nothing fancy, just the Varia uniform. - How stupid of him to come here and not say a word – The frog couldn’t reach his lover, couldn’t talk to him, couldn’t touch him. He wasn’t even able to touch his surroundings to leave a message or something else to tell Bel that he was okay. That he didn’t blame him. No matter how hard he tried it was like he was isolated from everything surrounding him. It was like a prison made out of a one-way mirror. He could see everything and hear everything but he wasn’t seen and he wasn’t heard. - - - - - - - - - - Hours had passed since he had arrived at the grave and his body was screaming to get food or sleep or both. Bel didn’t care. Then he spoke the first word after nearly three weeks. “Froggy?” - Yes sempai I’m here – Tears started dripping down the prince’s face. “Froggy please …” His voice broke. “… please, the prince is sorry.” Fran started crying too. Were ghosts even able to cry? He touched his face. Yes these were actual tears. Ghosts were able to cry. “Froggy, please come back. The prince misses you.” - - - - - - - - - - - Sempai … This is stupid and you know it – - There’s no way I can come back – - Stop waiting for me – - I’ll wait for you instead – - - - - - - - - - - After a long talk about how everything’s been in the Varia Bel finally decides to go back. Now that he finally sorted out everything he could finally think clearly and his brain told him only one thing: Revenge. He knew it was stupid to hunt them all down on his own but what could he do? He surely couldn’t expect any help from the other members. First he got back to the deserted district again where he found Fran but nobody was there. That would’ve been too easy anyway. Bel burned down the empty warehouses. It was still hard to think about his lost Frog so he tried to erase everything that reminded him of the fact that his Frog would never come back. He also locked away the frog hat. It hadn’t fit inside the coffin. The storm guardian got in touch with one of his contacts again to locate the family who caused his Frogs death. It wasn’t hard to find them. It was like they didn’t even hide. - - - - - - - - - - Bels contact gave him a list of hideouts belonging to this family. He had already worked his way through the list, blowing up some small buildings and burning the evidence. Not a single time the wanted man was there. That one person who had driven his lover into death. Now he stood in front of a rather large mansion. He had to take the front door – it was the only entrance. Stepping inside was risky. He couldn’t just take the back door and flee when things went downhill. Considering there was no back door. He could jump out of the window. The prince didn’t bother knocking – he just broke the lock and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. There was no going back now. - - - - - - - - - - - Sempai, stop it – - Are you that desperate to die – - There’s no way you can kill all of them on your own – Maybe the prince really wanted to die? Fran still acted as if he didn’t care for the prince. He still hid his feelings. There was no reason to do it, nobody saw him. Because he was dead. That behaviour really didn’t suit his fake prince. - - - - - - - - - - On his way down to the office, Bel didn’t encounter a single person. No bodyguards, no servants, nobody. Did his contact fail this time? Maybe there was no one there? But cars stood in front of the mansion so somebody had to be here. “Oh. Do you want to play hide and seek with the prince?” Bel snickered. “You better come out.” Bel laughed his typical laugh. “The prince hates losing.” Bel now stood in front of the office door. It wasn’t even locked. “This is too easy.” It wasn’t possible that this isn’t a trap but the prince didn’t care. He would take revenge no matter what. Throwing the doors open he stepped inside the room, facing the filthy boss of that filthy family. He wasn’t the one he searched for but he ordered his underlings around so it’s better than nothing. - - - - - - - - - - - Sempai, watch out – - Sempai look behind you – - Sempai turn around – Fran threw himself between his prince and the bullet moving towards said prince in disturbingly high velocity. But the bullet just passed him, like he didn’t exist. Well, he didn’t exist in this world. - - - - - - - - - - Just as he was about to murder this grinning bastard in front of him he heard a shot and pungent pain filled his side. “Wha– “ The prince dropped down to his knees. He wasn’t careful enough. Soon his sight blacked out. He didn’t hear the horrified screams of the filthy boss and his underling as the other Varia members stopped in merely seconds after he was shot. - - - - - - - - - - “Sempai?” “Froggy?” “Sempai, why did you do that?” “Because the prince missed you.” It was a bright place with lots of flowers a clean river and blue sky. Exactly what he imagined heaven to be like. But there was no way he’d end up in heaven, was there? He was a murderer, a liar. God didn’t like those people. “That’s stupid.” Bel started to laugh. He just did and now his Frog is standing there, in front of him, like he used to. The hat was missing though. “I know.” Bel looked at his Frog with pure joy. “Didn’t you miss your prince at all?” “I was there the whole time. Watched as you drove yourself into insanity.” “Oh. Sorry about that.” The place started to crumble down like it was made of glass and some assholes threw stones at it. “Is this an illusion?” “No.. But your time isn’t over yet.” Fran looked at his prince with tears in his eyes. “I’m happy I could see you again, Sempai. I will wait for you. Stop blaming yourself for my death…” “Wait. What do you mean by that? I won’t leave you!” Bel started to panic. He didn’t want to go. Didn’t want to leave his Frog behind. The place started to shake like it was hit by some sort of earthquake. The sky crumbled down leaving only the dark. “Wait! Stop! The prince will not leave you again. The prince will not go…” Bel tried to reach out for Fran but he was blocked by a wall of glass. “I’m sorry sempai.” No. No, this couldn’t be. He finally returned to his frog and now some asshole tried to bring him back to life. This wasn’t fair. He didn’t want to go now. “I love you– “ Hosted by Animexx e.V. (