War of hearts von Tshuuls (10th Doctor x Oc) ================================================================================ Kapitel 9: Own truth (Part 2.) ------------------------------ The young advisor stood in the middle of the room. Everybody stared at him, waiting for his speech. But the man only eyed one after another. He was also waiting. Waiting for someone to act to speak up, to question his behaving, his silence. Everyone kept silent for quite a long time. Until one of the other advisors shouted. “Will you hurry up boy. I don't want to wait any longer!” “And here it is. The biggest problem.” The young advisor had spoken without turning to the shouting one. “What problem? The only problems in this room are those three disgusting creatures and your silent speech.” While turning around and facing the angry advisor the young one calmly answered. “These are no real problems. These are problems you made up, all problems are just made up. All the things you dislike or don't understand are problems. Everything that's against your thinking is a problem, everything new is a problem, the whole universe is a problem. But you aren't. You are perfect, flawless a superior creature. You all are! And this way of thinking and this problem creating behaviour are your biggest problems.” Wow, that man could talk. The room was completely silent. Everybody was astonished and surprised. This advisor was totally right. Every problem is manmade. “I was there. I may have ben young but I was there. I was in the city when we were attacked. And I saw what those Time Lords did. Cordot is right. They saved us, they saved me. I don't know who attacked, but I am sure it wasn't them.” He looked at Cordot and smiled. “They saved a lot of people, children, women, men and old ones, they saved as many as they could. Of course nobody believed us when we told anybody. We kept quiet. Some of us were locked up because they were insane. But they weren't they just knew what they saw. They knew that not all time Lords are our enemies. And I knew, I have to change something, I have to show everybody the truth. This is the reason why I became an advisor. I wanted to open your eyes, to help you understand. But you choose to be blind. You choose to ignore al of that. You wanted to keep this problem. You wanted the easier path to walk on. Therefore, let those three go. Let them be an example of our kindness and change. None of them did anything wrong. They didn't cause any problems. The guards who appeared in her village brought the problems. If they wouldn't have shown up nobody would have cared about them. They would have forgot about all this and lived their normal lives. But you had to order them to take her in. You caused all the problems. You are the problems of the Yerfillagans.” He walked back in the line. Nobody had expected this kind of speech. It was brilliant, magnificent, I think I like that one. He sure knew how to talk and argue. I definitely had to talk to him after all this. The guard was the next to speak. I was quite interested to hear his side of the story. He stepped forward and looked at the king and awaited his permission to speak. A short nod was enough and the guard faced the mass and started his speech. “I was also in that city, fighting. I, however, can't say if the Time Lords were the ones attacking or not. I never saw a Time Lord. I only saw some tiny strange creatures creeping around the city, destroying it and attacking civilians. I don't know if they were on the same side as the Time Lords and I also don't know what these things were. We checked every record, every species we know but not a single one resembles what we saw. When we killed one of this things they turned into dust and disappeared. But I do know that someone helped us. Someone or something rescued civilians and defended districts we couldn't. We can't say for sure that Time Lords did it but it is possible. Despite knowing all these things we also kept quiet. We didn't want to unsettle our people. These creatures never appeared again. They left as fast as they appeared, without leaving a trace we could follow. The whole incident is a mystery. Considering the punishment concerning those three, I would set them free. The brave man before me is right. The times of hatred are over. I have fought wars. I know what it feels like to stand on a battlefield. I know the face of dying species. And I can understand their hatred against us. All we did for the past millenniums was fighting, killing end exterminating other spices. Do you know the reasons why we did that? No? Exactly there were no reasons. We did it out of boredom. We were hard to kill and therefore almost immortal. The Time Lords were the first ones who were a threat. Who were able to kill us easily.We, however, came up with a way to kill Time Lords. We just killed each other because we could. But this chain of hatred and revenge has to stop. And we are the ones to do it. We can end these endless wars. We only need to stop the senseless killing. And start seeking peace. We should start trusting other species and take this opportunity to show everybody that we can change. That Yerfillagans can treat others well and respect them.” I clearly didn't see that coming. I thought he would glorify the war and justify the fighting. This man really saw a lot of things. He was tired of fighting, tired of keeping quiet and doing nothing. Many of the guards in this room whispered in agreement and nodded. The guard was clearly not the only one who thought like that. He smiled, bowed and walked back to were he stood before and waited for Cordot to speak as we all did. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)