Transformations von chelle76 ================================================================================ Kapitel 15: It Takes A Little Time ---------------------------------- Transformations… Chapter 15: It Takes A Little Time A month or so passes fairly uneventfully. The GoLion team and the Bismarck crew have been working together on maneuvers and helping with the rebuilding efforts of Calvary Command. The base is now beginning to resemble how it was before it was attacked. It has been a hectic schedule, and everyone is taking a well deserved break. “I think we should just lie around and rest while we can.” Lance says to anyone that will listen. “Yeah, we have been going at it for a while without much rest. Who knows when something will happen again,” Hothead agrees. “Be mindful of what you say, you don’t want to bring trouble.” Fala says. The room gets quiet for a while, everyone lost in their own thoughts. Saber stands up and starts for the door, “I think I’m going to go out for a while. Call if you need me,” he says as the door closes behind him. April watches him leaves without a word. Colt looks up as he leaves, but doesn’t say anything. “Do you think he’s all right?” Fala asks aloud. “I’m sure he’s fine. He has seemed better these past few weeks. Perhaps this break has been what he needed.” April replies. “Some break. We’ve worked like slaves.” Colt grumbles. “It’s better than fighting all of the time, Colt.” Fireball retorts. “I do think he’s doing a bit better though. He has seemed more like his old self in the last few weeks.” Saber takes Steed and heads outside of the base compound. He rides in a random direction for a while, slowing down when he comes close to a small village. He rides slower, looking around as he passes through. There are several people out working in some fields; he notices that here there seems to be no sign of the struggles and destruction that Calvary Command has faced. He relaxes a bit; glad to see people living peacefully, wondering as he goes just how long it will last. He comes closer to what appears to be a schoolyard. A large group of children are outside playing and they stop when they notice him. Several turn towards him and he slows down, eventually stopping as the children approach him. “Hey Sir, that’s a nice looking horse. I’ve never seen one like that before,” A tall boy who appeared to be oldest of the group says. Saber dismounts, leading Steed over to the children, allowing them to look at him. “He’s a rather unique horse. He was made for me.” Saber replies as the children come over and study both of them closer. Suddenly a young auburn-haired woman comes rushing over, “Children, come back here! You know better than to talk to strangers!” she yells, as she approaches the group. She stops, startled when she sees Saber, noticing his uniform. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were from Calvary Command, Sir. I apologize; I only wanted to protect the children.” Saber smiles, shaking his head, “It’s quite all right, Miss. I’m glad that you are so conscientious about the safety of the children.” The teacher nods. “I am the only teacher in this village, so I know my students fairly well. I suppose the excitement of seeing you and your horse brought them over this way.” Saber nods, “It would appear that we have captured their interest,” he says with a chuckle. “I’m sure that they have not seen a mecha horse before. I believe there is only one other horse similar to him, so I can understand their curiosity.” The kids are starting to touch Steed and begin walking around them studying both the horse and the rider. “Are you really from Calvary Command?” A small girl asks timidly. Saber kneels down to her level and nods. “Yes I am. I am a captain with the Calvary Command Star Sheriffs.” Several of the kids gasp astonished. “Then why are you way out here? Aren’t you a long way from your base?” the little girl asks curiously. Saber nods, “I am just out for a ride. There wasn’t much happening, so I decided to come exploring for a while,” he replies. “We were about to have some lunch, would you care to join us?” the teacher asks quietly. The children look up at him, anxiously awaiting a reply. Saber looks to his watch and nods, “I don’t see why I couldn’t sit with you for a while. I don’t have other plans for the day.” The children race back towards the school grounds, the teacher and Saber following behind. The children all go and gather under a tree and sit down with food and begin eating. The teacher goes inside and gets a small bag, then goes and sits close to the children. Pulling out food from the bag, she begins to eat. Saber sits down between the teacher and the kids, all of them chatting away and eating happily. Occasionally, a child looks his direction, but they don’t say anything to him. After a few minutes of watching the kids, the teacher turns and faces him, “My name is Amanda Kelly, I just realized that I never introduced myself. I apologize for that.” She says sheepishly. Saber nods, hiding a smile, “My name is Saber Rider. It’s nice to meet you, Miss Kelly.” Amanda smiles back and looks at him thoughtfully, “You are a ways out from your base, is everything all right there?” she asks, trying to make conversation. Saber turns and faces her nodding slightly, “Things are quite a bit better than a few weeks ago,” he says quietly. “The base had been badly damaged in an attack.” Amanda gasps, “I hope no one was seriously hurt.” she says a bit worried. “We lost three good soldiers during that attack; although because of their quick thinking many others were out of harm’s way.” Saber replies solemnly. “Did you know them?” she asks hesitantly. Saber shakes his head, “I didn’t know any of the ones that died in this latest attack.” He looks over towards the children. “Hopefully, the problems there don’t reach you this far out. Has anyone here lost any family?” he asks curious. “One student I think has a brother who is a cadet, but I’ve not heard of him being injured or killed. News spreads quickly around here, so I’m sure I would have heard if anything did happen. Otherwise, we are pretty much a self-contained community. We grow our own food, trade and barter mostly for goods and services, and take care of each other. It’s one of the reasons I moved here, I enjoy being away from the chaos.” Saber nods, listening as she talks, the children are finishing up and they start coming back towards them. The smallest girl comes over and sits beside Saber, looking up shyly at him. “Are you going to come and visit us everyday?” she asks quietly. Saber smiles at her and shakes his head. “I can’t promise anything, I never know where I’ll be from one day to the next.” A short time later, Saber and Amanda stand up as she prepares to take the children back inside. “I hope you have a chance to visit us again, Captain Rider. It was nice meeting you,” Amanda says as he mounts Steed. “I hope to come back this way too, perhaps when this situation is over. It was nice meeting all of you,” he says as he turns Steed to the road leading back to the base. “Bye!” several of the children say after he mounts. “Good-bye,” he says as he takes off back towards Calvary Command. “I hope Saber is all right, he’s been gone for hours,” April says looking at a clock in the common area. “I’m sure he’s fine. We would have heard from him otherwise.” Fireball replies trying to soothe her. Keith and Fala come in to the room, seeing several of the others just sitting around. “I suppose all of you have really taken it easy today?” Keith asks as he and Fala go and sit on one of the couches. “I don’t see where that’s a problem, Chief. We’ve been busting our asses trying to rebuild this place the last few weeks. Between that and all of the practicing scenarios, I’m a bit tired, so I’m sure everyone else is too.” Lance says a bit harshly. “I know you’re tired, Lance, so are we. I didn’t mean to sound like I was angry; I was trying to pick on you.” Keith retorts. Lance rolls his eyes, and shakes his head, “I was trying to tease you back, Chief.” he replies, “I’m sure you two have enjoyed your time off today.” He adds with a smirk. Fala looks around the room pointedly ignoring the comment, and notices that Saber is absent from the group. “Is Saber lying down? I don’t think I’ve seen him at all today,” Fala asks to no one in particular. “He left this morning on Steed and we haven’t heard from him since.” April says, sounding a bit worried. A knock at the door draws their attention and Fireball gets up to answer it. A soldier is at the door, looking a bit nervous. “Yes?” Fireball asks. “Commander Eagle requests that you all come to his office immediately,” the soldier replies. Fireball turns to the group, “I guess we’d better see what’s up. Let’s go.” The others all get up and they follow the soldier to Commander Eagle’s office. Commander Eagle greets them as they arrive, “Thank you for coming, please sit down.” He says and they all take a seat. He scans the room, and turns to Fireball, “Where’s Saber?” “I’m not sure, Sir. He left this morning to go riding and to my knowledge, he hasn’t returned.” Fireball replies. Commander Eagle looks concerned but tries not to show it, “We’ll have to deal with that later. I called you here because we have intercepted a distress signal from one of the PLANTS that are between here and Orb. I think it bears monitoring, but I’m not sure if we should take action or just wait and try and get more information.” “Where is the signal from, Commander?” Fireball inquires. “It is coming from a PLANT called ‘Sextilis.’ The city is ‘Sextilis Eight.’ Thus far, we have been unable to make direct contact with them,” the commander replies. “It sounds like a trap to me.” Colt says. “Yeah, I think so too.” Lance adds. “It’s just too fishy. No activity and suddenly…boom, we get a distress signal. That reeks of a trap to me.” “Be that as it may,” Keith interjects, “we could be dealing with a legitimate attack. People could be dying there. We can’t risk not responding.” “We can’t risk tipping our hand to that witch Merla either, Captain.” Fireball replies frustrated. “Like Lance said, this screams ‘trap.’ I don’t like it. It’s a bit far out anyways, and they are under Orb’s protection, aren’t they?” Commander Eagle nods, “I understand both sides of this. That’s why I have brought you here, so we can discuss how to handle this.” “We don’t need to talk, we need to act.” Keith says getting a bit perturbed. “If people are being killed, as soldiers, it is our duty to try and stop it.” Several people look between Keith and Fireball, not sure what to say. “How long ago was this signal received, Sir?” A voice asks from the doorway. Everyone turns to see Saber entering the room. “Sorry I’m late. Someone could have called me.” He goes and sits down in a vacant chair. “We received the distress signal approximately forty-five minutes ago,” Commander Eagle replies. “At this point the argument is whether or not to go and check it out?” Saber asks, getting a nod in return. “Well, I agree that it very well could be a trap, but as Keith says, we have a duty to protect people.” Keith stands up, obviously frustrated. “Look, I can’t just sit here while we debate what to do any longer. I am going to check it out, be it alone or with help.” He heads towards the door; the other members of his team get up and quietly follow him. “We will call once we know something,” he says as they exit the room, heading to the Lions. “Damn it!” Fireball says, slamming his fists onto the table. “Easy, Fireball, Keith is just doing what he feels is right.” Saber says trying to calm him down. “But I know it’s a trap!” he replies exasperated. “We don’t know that for sure, Shinji.” Saber says harshly, making Fireball cringe. “There’s no need to get into a fight over it. We are on the same side; you need to understand that it’s his crew, so he made the decision to go. We will be here if they need help, otherwise, we should use this time to try and contact either the PLANT that sent the signal or Orb and see if they know anything.” “Where the Hell have you been anyways?” Fireball snaps back at him. Saber sighs and meets his gaze, “I went out riding to clear my head. You could have called me if you needed me for anything.” “For all we knew you went off and did something stupid.” Fireball says, immediately regretting it. “I’m sorry, Saber, that was low.” he says quietly. Saber shakes his head and looks down at the table, trying to control his anger, “Thank you for caring enough to be worried, but I promise you, I’ve not had such thoughts for a while now.” he replies barely audible. Fireball looks at him a bit shocked, then gains his composure, “Saber, I crossed a line that I shouldn’t have. Even if I had that type of thought about you, this was not the time or place to bring it up.” Saber looks up, meeting his gaze, “No, you were out of line, but I know that you were well intentioned. You are doing your best, I know that. We all are,” he continues, looking around to the remaining people in the room. “I don’t know what is going to happen, but you need to understand that in a group like we are, you have to choose your battles. Getting angry with me or with Keith solves nothing. He is doing what he feels his team should do, respect that and move on. We are doing what is probably the best thing for us to do at this point without further information, we are waiting. We will be available if needed, but if we all went out for one distress call, it could very well tip our hand and be our downfall. I am not saying that either one of you is completely right. In a way, you both are. But do not turn your anger into a personal attack, not to me, or to anyone else that is allianced with us. You do not want to make an enemy of Altea, and if you had said something like what you said to me to Keith or even the Princess, you very well could have cost us a great deal. Part of being a good Captain is knowing when to keep your mouth shut. Remember that.” The room is deathly silent for a long time after that. No one dares to say anything. Fireball sits there quietly, not sure what to say, he looks to each of the people in the room, trying to read expressions. Most of what he sees is shock; April looks between him and Saber, almost as if she’s scared to speak. Commander Eagle and Colt are both sitting back and waiting to see what will happen. Finally, Fireball faces Saber again he takes a deep breath before speaking, “I will remember your advice, Captain Rider. I do hope you will forgive me, eventually.” He adds quietly. A beeping is heard and everyone looks towards Commander Eagle, who is pulling up the com screen. “This is Commander Eagle go ahead.” “This is Captain Zala of Orb, Sir. We have received a distress call from the GoLion team. We are on our way to them and will keep you appraised of the situation once we arrive. I don’t think both of us coming to their aid at this point would be beneficial, since we’re closer to them, I feel it makes the most sense for us to see about them.” Commander Eagle nods, “A good call, Captain Zala. We will wait for news and be ready to launch if we are needed. Thank you.” The connection terminates and the commander looks once again to the team before him. “Has the air been sufficiently cleared?” All eyes fall to Fireball and Saber. Saber looks to Fireball and places a hand on his shoulder, “I know you were only trying to do what was right. I appreciate that you were worried, let’s just move on, all right?” Fireball meets his gaze and nods, relaxing a bit. “Good. I don’t have many friends, and I don’t wish to lose any.” Saber says quietly. He then turns and faces Commander Eagle, “I think we’re fine now, Sir.” Commander Eagle relaxes and smiles, “I know things are tense, I just hope this is the worst we have to deal with. I also hope that all of you have gained something from this.” Each person nods slightly in reply to his question. “I’m glad of that. A strong bond like you have forged is hard to come by. It is why you work well as a team; I don’t want to see that unravel here after you have been through so much together.” “I don’t think that will happen, Sir. We may not speak for a while or something, but I have no doubts that if something were going on, we would come to each other’s aid, putting our differences aside.” Saber says, the others nodding in agreement. “The only grudge I bear is for the witch Merla,” he adds harshly. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (