Transformations von chelle76 ================================================================================ Kapitel 12: Answers ------------------- Transformations… Chapter 12: Answers “They just keep coming, Keith!” Fala says as she fires more missiles. “I’m not sure how much longer we can hold out.” “I know. I hope they get here soon.” Keith replies as they dodge more lasers that are being fired at them. “I’ve got something on radar, Chief.” Shorty states. “What is it?” Keith replies. “I’m not sure. It seems to be a transport ship.” Shorty replies. “Though I’m not sure why one would be coming this way.” Just as he says that, the ship breaks apart into four ships. “What the…” “You look like you could use a little help.” Fireball states, popping onto Shorty’s screen. “Man, are we glad to see you.” Fala says. “Seems like you’ve had your hands full.” Colt says. “Let us have a little fun.” He grins as he unleashes the METEOR pack firing at several beastmen, killing about half of the ones he hit. “Don’t take all the fun, Cowboy.” Fireball says as he starts firing lasers at several other beastmen, hitting several. “Sorry we’re late.” Saber says, using the sword to slash several beastmen in half. “We’re just glad you made it. I was beginning to wonder.” Keith replies. Several more beastmen are killed, and the few that remain retreat. “Aren’t you in a different…you have a new suit, I see.” Saber nods. “Four, actually. We can explain later.” Keith nods. “Shall we land, seeing that the remaining enemy has left for the moment?” “Sure. I’d like to see how things look on the ground.” Saber replies. They land on the ground and exit their suits. The GoLion team comes over to them, along with Commander Eagle. “Nice suits.” Lance states, looking at the three Mobile Suits. “What does that one do?” he says, nodding to April’s ship. “It’s a support vessel, basically. They have the real fire power.” April replies nodding towards the three robot suits. “We noticed.” Keith says. “We were really glad to see you. I’m not sure we would have lasted much longer.” Saber looks around at the amount of damage. “I suppose it could be worse. As you said, most people are still in shelters, so the buildings were largely unoccupied. It will take a bit to rebuild.” He turns to the Commander, looking him over. He notices a few new bruises and a cast on his arm. “I see you were in the thick of it again, Sir.” The Commander nods. “They hit the command center. Thankfully, no one was killed. We were lucky. The only ones we lost this time were the four pilots that took out the Bismarck.” Saber nods solemnly, and the Commander turns to April. “I see you’ve been to Orb. What new weapon do you have now, April?” He asks mildly amused. “Well, this is the Bismarck III.” He looks at the suits, waiting for further explanation. “They can combine into a large robot, if needed, or they can combine into a transport ship when we are traveling.” “These units combine?” He asks astonished. April nods. “They are more versatile than any of the previous Bismarck units. They also have a lot more firepower.” “We noticed.” Lance says dryly. April glances at him amused. “Jealous.” “Maybe.” He smirked. The others laughed. “Perhaps I’ll let you see if you can handle my suit later, Lance.” Saber says. “It can’t be that hard.” Lance retorts. Saber chuckles. “I suppose we will see.” Lance nods. “Shall we go inside? I don’t think we want to be outside when the enemy returns.” Everyone nods and he looks to Commander Eagle. “Is there somewhere we can park the suits out of sight?” The Commander nods. “There’s a large hangar just over the hill there.” He points to the remnants of a building at the top of the hill. “The hangar is over there. It’s where I thought we’d park the ship you took to the colonies. I suppose that ship is now on Orb?” Saber nods. “Yes, Sir. We decided that the suits would be more beneficial to bring back than the other ship. We can send for it later, once things are better here.” He nods. “Why don’t we all take the units to the hangar and meet there?” They all agree and head to the hangar. After leaving the suits, they go to a small meeting room, just inside the hangar. “Here is some footage of the attack where we lost the Bismarck.” Commander Eagle says as he plays footage of a battle where the ship is obviously overwhelmed by a number of beastmen. After a bit of time, you see several attack at once, then a large laser shot and the ship exploding, then smoke and destruction. “Once we stopped fighting and went into hiding, I guess they thought we were done for and left…until GoLion showed up. It was as if they were hoping they would show. They hadn’t even landed when they came from nowhere and began fighting them. However, I don’t think they expected you. I think they thought you had been destroyed with the other Bismarck ship.” Several heads nod. “As I said before, if you hadn’t shown up, we might have been done for. We were plenty strong enough, but grossly out numbered. It looked like one-hundred to one odds out there.” Keith says. “We got here as quick as we could, Keith.” Fireball says. “We had a bit of ‘training’ before we came, so that we weren’t learning on-the-fly.” Keith nods. “That and one of the Orb people, maybe more than one was rather…surprised at Saber’s abilities with his suit. They asked him if he was some type of coordinator or something.” Saber glanced to Fireball, giving him a look like he had shared a bit too much information. Commander Eagle turned and studied Saber for a minute. He looked ready to say something, then thought better of it and turned back to Fireball. “How did the training go?” he asked as if he never heard the last statement. Fireball nods. “It went well. It helped when they finally told us how to do a few things.” Commander Eagle nods. “I’m glad you had a chance to try them out, but I’m also glad you got back here in time to help us. I’d hate to see how this would have turned out otherwise.” He looks to April. “So this is the ‘project’ you and Lady Cagalli were working on?” April nodded. “Yes, Father. It was. It has come out far better than anything I could have anticipated.” She pauses and looks to the other members of the Bismarck crew. “Of course it helps that they are already skilled pilots.” He nods and looks around at the tired faces seated before him. “Let’s all go and get some rest. We don’t know when the enemy could return, so it would be best to rest while you can.” He hits a button and an intercom becomes active. Yes Sir?” a voice asks through the speaker. “Please come and lead our friends to their quarters.” The Commander replies. He then looks back to the group as a uniformed soldier enters the room. “He will show you to your quarters.” Several of the crew get up and start for the door. The Bismarck crew lag behind, but soon file in to follow the others. “Captain Rider?” Commander Eagle says as Saber rises. “Sir?” he replies. “I need to speak to you for a moment before you go.” Commander Eagle replies. Saber nods and moves to a chair beside the commander. After everyone has left, Commander Eagle studies him for a minute, trying to figure out what to say. He sighs, thinking. “What happened on Orb, Saber?” Saber sits for a moment, thinking. “What do you mean, Sir?” He asks, trying to find out what information he wants specifically. The Commander smiles slightly amused at the redirection of his question. “I think you know what I mean. I saw the look you gave Shinji when he said what he did about what some people at Orb think of you.” Saber closes his eyes, thinking. “I’d never heard the term before today, and I think they were just talking. I’d never been there before, so I knew it couldn’t be true.” He replies matter-of-factly. “So why did you give him the look that you did?” Commander Eagle presses. Saber sighs. “Because, I didn’t see the point of him mentioning it to begin with; It was just a random thought that had no basis on the outcome of the situation. I figured it would just prolong discussion here, and I really wasn’t up to trying to explain how I can’t be what they seem to think I am. When I’m not even one hundred percent sure of what they are referring to anyways.” Commander Eagle listens intently as he speaks, watching him closely. When he’s done speaking they sit in silence for a while before he sighs and looks Saber directly in the face. “What exactly is a ‘coordinator’, Saber?” Saber looks up at him. “Well, if I understood Kira and Athrun correctly, a coordinator is someone that is...” he pauses, trying to think of how to continue. “Genetically…engineered, I suppose. Someone who has been created with certain things about them enhanced. Such as a talent or skill; supposedly, some scientists had found a way to include certain genes into embryos that then developed into what they have dubbed as ‘coordinators’. Kira said that he thought I must be one when I somehow unlocked the tutorials that they had locked, so that I knew how to operate the suit faster than the others.” “How did you unlock the computer?” He asks curious. Saber shrugs. “I just was looking at the OS and it asked for codes, and I started typing things that seemed logical, and I came across the tutorials, so I went through them. It wasn’t anything abnormal.” “How long did it take you?” The Commander inquires. “A minute or two, I suppose.” Saber replies honestly. “And you don’t see that as odd?” Saber shakes his head. A knock is heard on the door, and they both turn towards the door. “Come in.” Commander Eagle says. April opens the door. “Father, I need to…” She stops when she sees Saber. “Oh, I didn’t know you were busy. It can wait.” She starts to turn back to leave the room. “April, come in. I want to ask you some questions too.” Commander Eagle says, indicating for her to sit on his other side. She goes and sits beside him, glancing a bit nervously between him and Saber. “April, what is your take on the new OS for the Mobile Suits?” April sits for a minute, thinking before answering. “Well, it is rather sophisticated, but, once it is fully accessible, it is rather easy to figure out.” The Commander nods. “Did you unlock your computer to find the tutorials?” She looks at him curiously. “No, Sir. I didn’t see a way to do that. It seemed to be in a sort of ‘Training Mode’. I played with it a bit, but I was not able to unlock it from that mode myself.” Commander Eagle sighs and looks between his daughter and Saber, trying to think of how to proceed. He finally rests his gaze upon Saber, who meets his gaze. “Was your suit in the ‘Training Mode’ when you got into it?” Saber thinks for a moment and nods. “I believe it was, Sir.” “And yet, you were able to unlock it in seconds?” He asks. “It could have been several minutes, Sir.” Saber replies. “But, the fact remains that you did indeed unlock it without much effort. Is that correct?” Commander Eagle presses. He sighs. “I suppose it was with little effort. Subconsciously I did it I guess. I honestly don’t remember how I did it. I just suddenly had access to it. I don’t see what the big deal is about what I did.” He says a bit exasperated. April looks over and her gaze softens as she sees him frustrated and defensive. “Saber…” She begins quietly. “You haven’t done anything wrong. Please don’t get defensive. We just are trying to figure out how you were able to do that. Is it possible that you had some prior training when you were in the Queen’s elite service before you joined the Bismarck Crew?” Saber shakes his head and April continues, “It’s just amazing that you were able to do it. As a scientist, I just want to understand how you were able to. That’s all.” “Well, I don't have an answer for you. So why don't you tell me if you come up with one.” He replies a bit coldly. Commander Eagle clears his throat, causing them both to look towards him. “April, I think I'd better talk to Saber alone for a while.” Saber looks up. “She may as well stay. She'll hear about whatever you have to say one way or another.” Commander Eagle nods, “Well, I know for a fact that your parents had been to some of the PLANT colonies in the past. Maybe not Orb itself, but to that region at least. It started a few years before you were born. Your parents made several trips there. Your parents were interested in some of the technology they were developing for fertility treatments.” Saber nods, listening. “They had been trying for several years...Your mother lost three children before she became pregnant with you.” He pauses, trying to think of how to continue. “The technology that was available on the PLANT colonies far exceeded anything that we had here, and the success rate was much higher. When your parent's came back, your mother was pregnant with you. She was into her second trimester by then.” “So, it was a 'normal' pregnancy?” Saber asks quietly. Commander Eagle nods. “As far as we knew, yes. However, I vaguely remember your father saying that you had to be implanted, but that otherwise, everything was normal. Perhaps the doctors implanted some extra genes or something before you were placed in your mother's womb, Saber. That can't be ruled out as a possibility.” Saber sighs. “I suppose it can't be. Although I don't see what difference it would make now. I just am who I am. I don't see any reason to get all up in arms over something that we can't prove. Even if they could prove that I am a coordinator, I don't see why it's important.” “It is important because you could be of more use in the alliance to those you might not want to be associated with. If the wrong people found out that you had the skills of a coordinator, there are some that would want to try and sway you to work for them, for their own agendas. That is something I want to avoid. I feel that it's your life, and you should be able to do as you wish with it. The wars in the galaxy where Orb is have been between the 'coordinators' and the 'naturals' from what I understand. Although, the people in Orb are both naturals and coordinators and live together in peace. They seem to accent each other well there, and it seems that slowly, the other people are following that example. My guess is, you may be a very early version of a coordinator. Perhaps you aren't even listed in their database, because you were not born there.” “So what if I am? I'm sure a there are a lot of people like I am. Does that mean I or anyone else that was created the same way has to go and join with them?” Saber asks exasperated. Commander Eagle shakes his head. “No, Saber, it doesn't. It would however explain how you are so much better at certain things than other people if you are indeed...enhanced.” Saber shakes his head and sighs. “I'm sure this is all very interesting to you, isn't it, April?” he asks quietly, a bit of sarcasm in his voice. April looks at him sympathetically. “Honestly, it is, but I don't want you feeling...weird, you know?” She pauses, trying to figure out what to say. “I think that it's amazing that you have the skills you do. And then, the whole thing with the OS in the suits, well that just blew my mind. When Kira said he thought you were a coordinator, I was shocked, but in a way, I wasn't completely surprised. But, if you are a coordinator, wouldn't that make you one of the oldest ones?” Saber shrugs. “How the Hell would I know? I hadn't heard of them before we visited Orb.” He sighs. “April, I'm sorry. I shouldn’t be taking this out on you...or any of you for that matter. I just want to move on, and now, this coordinator thing seems like it will hold me back. It's like every time I think I'm doing better, something takes me backwards. It's rather frustrating.” He finishes quietly. Commander Eagle sighs. “Richard,” Saber looks over at him, April looks up shocked of the use of his birth name. “I know this isn't easy. I know you are upset that we are making issue out of this, but believe me when I tell you this, it doesn't matter how you were created. Your parents loved you. You were the best thing that happened to them in a very long time. And I know that despite your differences in opinion of how you should run your life, your father was very proud of you. I think he would have been no matter what path your life took, even if he never said so. So, here is what I ask of you, then I will drop the matter altogether if you want.” Saber studies his face for a moment, then nods, indicating he's listening. “Let me have a doctor I know that once worked for PLANT run a couple of tests on see if your genes are any different than say...April here.” he nods to his daughter. “Then, I will tell you, so you know the results, and I will seal them off, so that no one else has access to the test results. Then we can put the whole thing behind you and you can move on.” Saber sighs, closing his eyes and running his hands across his face before looking at the commander again. “Could they also test to see if my parents are truly my parents?” He asks quietly, getting a look of shock from the commander and April. “Well, think about could be that I am entirely test tube and my mother only carried me. I want to know if I am truly human, if that can be determined with these tests. It could affect how I decide to live my life. As you've said before, April,” He looks to her. “Knowledge is power. And evidently, I have something different about me, I may as well find out the entire truth if I can.” The Commander nods. “I'm sure that is possible. If you're sure you want that information, I will not stop you from inquiring. I am fairly certain though that your parents are genetically your parents.” He turns to April, “Would you mind submitting to the same tests, so that we have a control subject, April? I know how you were created.” He smiles slightly and she nods. “Of course, Father.” She smiles slightly and looks to Saber. “Let me know when you want to go, and we will. We'll go together, so that you know we have the same thing done. Fair?” Saber nods and she turns to her father. “When do you want us to go?” He looks between them for a minute. “How about I call the doctor now, and see when he could do it?” They both nod in agreement, and he picks up a phone and places the call, hanging up a couple of minutes later. “Well, he said I can take you both now, or first thing in the morning. Your choice.” “Saber nods. “Let's go. I want this over with.” He stands up. April nods and stands up. “Tell us where to go.” Commander Eagle nods. “Come with me.” He leads them through the shelter area of the base to a door that requires a badge to be swiped. Swiping his badge, he's allowed entry, and they follow behind him to a medical laboratory. He knocks and a man's voice is heard telling them to enter, and they do. “Hello, Doctor.” A man in a white coat looks up at them and nods. “Ah, Commander. I didn't expect you so soon.” He notices Saber and April behind him. “So, which one of you is the one to be tested?” “They both are, Doctor Izumi. I won't tell you which one is which until after the tests.” Commander Eagle states. Dr. Izumi nods. “Fair enough.” He nods, indicating for them both to sit down into a chair that is for drawing blood. “Please, take a seat, both of you.” Saber and April look to each other and nod, each taking a seat. “Will this take long to get the results? Commander Eagle asks. Dr. Izumi shakes his head. “Just a few minutes, Commander.” “Good. Oh, and I want you to run DNA tests on both of them too, and run the data you get in the database so we can confirm their parents as well, if that is possible.” The doctor nods. “Easier to do now, since I can just get an bit more blood when I draw from them.” He goes over to April and takes a long band, tying it around her arm, then inserts a needle, drawing out several tubes of blood. He then goes over to Saber, and repeats the action. “I wouldn't try and get up for a few minutes, you might get a bit dizzy.” He turns to the Commander. “Can you get them some orange juice from the refrigerator over there?” nodding to a fridge in the corner. “It will make them feel better a bit faster.” Commander Eagle nods and returns quickly with the juice, handing one to each of them, and looks to the doctor, who is busy placing blood in various machines. “How long before we know something?” Dr. Izumi looks up, “Probably about fifteen to twenty minutes, Sir.” He continues working. Commander Eagle goes and sits close to Saber and April. “Do you wish to wait here, or go back to my office?” “Here.” They reply simultaneously. He nods, smiling a bit. “Understood.” After a brief silence, he adds, “Probably a good idea. I don't think this information should leave this room. No matter how it turns out.” April nods, studying her father's face. “There isn't anything you want to tell me is there?” She asks a bit hesitantly. Saber looks over to her, then to her father, interested in the reply. He thinks for a moment and shakes his head. “No. I have no secrets from you, April. I assure you that I am your father, and that you were created in 'usual' way.” Saber masks a smile and looks away as April blushes a bit. “Sorry I asked.” She chuckles. Several minutes of silence follow, the sound of various computers whirring and beeping as data is collected. Finally, Dr. Izumi comes over to them. “Well, the results are interesting, to say the least.” “How so?” Commander Eagle asks. “Well, they both show some signs of enhanced DNA.” “What?!” They all three say at once. Dr. Izumi holds up a hand to silence them. “The young lady here,” He nods to April. “Has the DNA of you, Sir.” nodding to the Commander, “and of your wife, Natalia Eagle. What is interesting, is that Natalia evidently had enhanced DNA.” Commander Eagle looks surprised. “Enhanced? How so?” “Well, she has traces of genes that seem to enhance science and mathematics understanding. However, I suppose that it could be a natural enhancement. But something tells me it isn't. It appears very similar to the earliest types of DNA strands that were attached to a few...'subjects' when the coordinator project was first being developed. Perhaps she was one of the few adult volunteers. I am trying to see if her name comes up anywhere in the research I have, but so far, I haven't found her.” He nods to Saber, “You, however are a completely different case. Your parents are Edward and Mary Rider. I'm sure you already knew that. What is different, is that your genes are altered...enhanced rather. In a way that most coordinators have been altered. Do you tend to be able to fight off infection?” Saber nods slowly. “I don't remember ever really being sick...not even a cold, actually. But that doesn't mean I'm a coordinator.” The doctor nods. “Actually, combine that, with the fact that you show exceptional abilities in swordsmanship and marksmanship, in addition to I'm willing to bet your abilities with a computer, you are indeed a coordinator. If I am right, you are one of about five that were enhanced while you were still an embryo, just after implantation in your mother's womb. Your parent's might not have even known that the doctors enhanced your genes. There were a handful of embryos that we added genes to, without the knowledge of the parents. Just so we could see if the enhancements were able to thrive without stimulation.” He looks away, seeing the glare he is getting from Saber. “So I'm a lab rat, is that what you mean?” Saber asks forcefully. The doctor nods slightly. “I suppose that's one way to look at it. However, you should be proud of what you are. You are one of a very few people that were raised as a natural, but still was able to thrive without the extra effort we put forth for the usual coordinators.” “What do you mean?” Saber asks. “Well, normally, the coordinators are raised around other coordinators, so that they are all advanced and sort of...feed off each others knowledge. They challenge each other intellectually. It helps sharpen their minds even more than just their enhanced abilities. It has been shown that when left alone to hone their talents, only the specific genes that were enhanced excel, but in your case, it appears that you became rather well rounded. Something that isn't exactly typical. Your parents never knew that we had enhanced you.” Saber sighs and closes his eyes, thinking, he then turns to Commander Eagle. “Well, at least that answers why I was able to do some of the things I have been able to do. I hope that satisfies your curiosity, Sir.” He then turns back to Dr. Izumi. “Are there any other effects I should know about? Like what happens if I ever decide that I want to have children? Would they be at risk for some genetic deformation or something?” Dr. Izumi shakes his head. “Actually, they would be less at risk to inherit any genetic deformities. Your enhanced DNA should pass on to any children you have. So they should be at least as good in the areas that you are proficient in, and should you happen to join with someone else who is also enhanced, they would get those genes as well. Everything should be normal, in regards to such matters.” Saber nods, not asking any more questions. April looks over to him, then up to the doctor. “So you are saying my mother was a coordinator?” Dr. Izumi nods. “In a way, yes. She was sort of a prototype. She allowed her body to be injected DNA-enhanced genes, though she was probably never told whether it worked or not. If I remember correctly, she died in childbirth.” April nods slightly. “So we wouldn't have known until you were older whether or not the injection worked. She would have been too old for it to have affected her. Of course, your mother was already a brilliant woman, so no one would have thought anything of you being gifted, because she was naturally gifted. I think you are just a bit more so than she was. Perhaps on a wider scale, or more areas than she was.” He turns to Commander Eagle, “Does that give you the information that you were looking for, Sir?” Commander Eagle nods. “I believe it does. What they decide to do with the information is completely up to them.” He turns and studies April and Saber's faces. Each seem to be lost in their own thoughts. “Thank you for taking the time to do this, Doctor. I appreciate it. Please remember to keep this information just to us in this room.” Dr. Izumi nods. “Of course, Sir. I will send you a copy of the test results, and I will send Captain Rider and Ms. Eagle a copy as well, then I will delete this from my computer, as if it was never there.” “Actually, Doctor, I think it would be better to just purge these tests and the results from your system and the back up databases. I don't want any of this information leaking into the wrong hands. ” Commander Eagle replies. “As you wish, Sir.” Dr. Izumi replies and he goes over to his computer and starts deleting the files, and tosses the tubes into the biohazard container. “There. I have purged all the tests and the results from our system entirely.” Commander Eagle nods satisfied. “April, would you mind double checking the files to make sure no one can recall them from the cache' or anything?” April nods. “Of course.” She turns to Dr. Izumi as she approaches the computer and starts typing. “No offense, Doctor.” “None taken, Ms. Eagle. I understand the consequences that could come of the knowledge leaking out to the wrong people.” Dr. Izumi replies. April finishes her searches and turns to Commander Eagle. “It's all clear, Sir.” Commander Eagle nods and turns to April and Saber. “Come on. You both need to go and rest.” They nod and stand up and follow him back to his office. They enter behind him and sit down, not sure what to say. “I am glad we know; now you can decide what to do with your knowledge. That goes for both of you.” They both look up and nod. “I know it is getting late. Go and try and get some sleep.” Commander Eagle says. April gets up and leaves, leaving Saber and Commander Eagle alone once more. “Well, I hope you're happy to have your answers, Sir.” Saber says almost bitterly. Commander Eagle nods. “I'm sorry, Saber. But I figured it was better to know for sure. What you choose to do now that you know is completely your decision. I hope you will just continue as you always have. But at least if someone says something, you know why you are...different.” Saber stands up and nods curtly. “Good evening, Sir.” He turns and heads out the door. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (