Transformations von chelle76 ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Homecoming --------------------- Transformations… Authors Notes: Okay. First off it has been YEARS since I have tried to write a fan fiction. This idea started in my head as a joke, and has since “snowballed.” I have NEVER written a crossover fic, but as this story began unfolding, it has the potential to become one. It will eventually be a Saber Rider/GoLion crossover Fic. I am also using a mixture of the Japanese and American names for the characters. Examples of names and current ages for the main characters in this story are as follows: Richard “Saber” Rider – 21 Years Old (Decided to combine the American and Japanese names) April Eagle – 18 Years Old Commander Charles Eagle Senator Edward Rider Mary Rider Sinicia March – 21 years old Bill “Colt” Wilcox – 19 Years Old Shinji “Fireball” Hikari – 19 Years Old General Whitehawk Akira “Keith” Kogane ‘Chief’ – 21 Years Old Takashi Shirogane ‘Quiet’ – 19 when he died Isamu “Lance” Kurogane ‘Moody’ – 24 Years Old Tsuyoshi Seidō ‘Hothead’ – 25 Years Old Hiroshi Suzuishi ‘Shorty’ – 17 Years Old Princess Fala – 19 Years Old Strategist Raible of Altea I will introduce other characters (such as villains) as I decide on who I want to include. Some may be made up or have basis in another “Voltron” universe if I get too lazy to think up my own…so deal with it. Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Saber Rider, Sei Jushi Bismarck, GoLion, or Voltron, Gundam SEED Destiny, or any other Anime character(s) I decide to throw into this story! They belong to their original production companies. Transformations… Chapter 1: Homecoming “You’re coming home soon, Saber?” Sincia asked hopefully. He nods. “Just as soon as the debriefing is over, Love.” She smiles and takes his hands. “Good, then perhaps we can begin planning a future…our future?” He smiles and kisses her lightly on the lips and nods. “Yes. I hope to be able to officially announce our betrothal when I return.” “I look forward to spending time with you again.” She smiles up at him. He nods. “As do I, with you.” He kisses her again and then hugs his Mother, then the trio went up the ramp to return to the Highlands, his home. He watches them until the ship departs, his Mother and Sincia wave as the ship lifts off, he waves back then turns and heads into the Headquarters of Calvary Command. He walks along slowly to his quarters, then after changing clothes, he heads towards Commander Eagle’s office, where he and the other Star Sheriffs are supposed to meet for the debriefing before taking a much deserved vacation. Suddenly, the alarms begin blaring and he rushes towards the command center. Upon entering, he sees soldiers frantically rushing between screens and computers. He spots Commander Eagle amongst the chaos. “What’s happening, Sir?!” Commander Eagle turns towards him, his face pale and stammers “Go…go to my office, immediately. Do not leave until I have spoken with you and the others! That’s a direct order!” He nods “Sir!” He turns and rushes to Eagle’s office, where the others were leaving to go to the command center. He holds out a hand and shakes his head. “The Commander has ordered us to stay put. We cannot leave until he comes for us.” “What’s going on, Saber?” April asks, eyes wide with concern. “It can’t be the outriders. We defeated them.” Colt chimed in. Saber shrugs. “I don’t know, but whatever it is, it isn’t good.” He looks towards April, “Your father looked pale, as if he was in shock.” April looks visibly shaken at the statement. “I have a very bad feeling about this.” Fireball says, as he comes around the corner, the last out the office door. “So do I, Fireball. If we are needed to fight something, why aren’t they asking us to meet them in the command center?” Saber mused. “Well, if something IS up, let’s go find out what.” Colt says and makes to pass Saber. Saber blocks his way and shakes his head, sighing. “The Commander was VERY direct, Colt. We wait here.” He nods in the direction of the office, pushing him slightly back towards the door he recently came from. Colt grumbles, but turns and goes into the office lobby and plops down on a couch, Saber sits at the opposite end from Colt. April goes and sits on the other couch, and Fireball comes in, closing the door behind him before sitting next to April. “I don’t like this. Something is VERY wrong.” Fireball states. April nods, taking his hand subconsciously, “If what Saber says is true, then it must be bad if Father ordered him” nodding towards Saber, “to leave. It’s just strange. What could be happening?” April asks aloud. Just then, the door opens and in walks Commander Eagle, looking pale, shocked and worn out. The Star Sheriffs immediately stand and salute him, and he nods an acknowledgment and looks around to each in turn, his gaze falling lastly to Saber. “Please, sit down.” They all sit down and look to each other nervously. “Father, wha-“ April begins. Commander Eagle holds up his hand to stop her. “There has been an attack…” He sighs. “This morning, a ship was leaving to return to the English Federation Colonies…” Saber looks up shocked, whispers. “No!” “A passenger ship…there are no survivors.” Commander Eagle goes and places his hand on Saber’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Saber…I understand if you need time to-“ “Who? Who is responsible for the attack?” Saber asks quietly, his eyes to the floor. “We don’t know, yet. No one has claimed responsibility.” The commander replies honestly. “Sincia… Mother… Father…” Saber says barely audible. “Gone.” April gets up and goes to sit beside him. “We are here, Saber. We will find out who did this.” She takes his hand and he looks at her. For a moment, she sees a flash of anger in his eyes, he recovers himself and releases her hand and stands up. “May I take my leave for now, Sir?” Saber looks to Commander Eagle. “Yes. Just don’t leave the base, Saber.” The Commander replies. He nods. “I’ll be in my quarters, Sir.” He leaves the room and heads to his quarters, closing the door behind him. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (