Not under control von VideoGameCrack (Mein NaNoWriMo-Projekt für 2010 - mit täglichen Updates!) ================================================================================ Kapitel 19: Day Nineteen ------------------------ "And what are we doing now?“ Vincent sat together with Anthony and Gerald in the bar. It was already the next morning, after they spent their night lurking through the city, always trying to avoid possible attacks. „Now that they had their time to think it over, we have one choice and one choice only.“ „And that is?“ „Well, what do you think, Vincent?“, Anthony teased him. „Protip: It has to do with whatever you're wearing on your back.“ Vincent wasn't really convinced by that answer. „Haven't you said a while ago that fighting them won't help us at all?“ „We were in unknown territory at that point. Now, we can fight them on the street, giving us much more room to act.“ „And them much more room to surround us.“ „Hey, who's the one with the Gatling here? One swipe, and at least twenty of them are worthless! We'll definitely manage them.“ There was this weird feeling in the air. They all could feel it. It couldn't take too long anymore. The streets were as empty as ever in the last few days, when Gerald, Anthony and Vincent walked down the street. They couldn't postpone the attacks, because they know that they're going to come from everywhere. Now that they knew about Gerald's current condition, they were going to get him. Definitely. „Are you sensing them by now?“, Anthony asked. Gerald shook his head. Vincent got a hold on his Gatling. His hands were pretty sweaty and his face didn't look too calm either. „Dammit, how long is it going to take them? Aren't they interested in him anymore?“ „They can't wait for much longer. I doubt that they are going to hold themselves back for this. Expect at least hundred and fifty of them“ Anthony replied, before drawing his knife out. „This won't be easy at all. Gerald?“ He just shook his head again. Vincent scratched his chin. „Maybe they want us to get as nervous as possible, so they can deal with us more easily.“ Anthony answered: „I kind of doubt it. They didn't grasp the opportunity to get him the first time. How could they get such an idea if they are that thick?“ „Forgotten already? They have Helena as their leader! The manifestation of not making any sense! She could be a saint in one second and a dictator in another! She knows how to pull something like that off, believe me.“ „Either that or they are so blinded by the idea of escaping that they aren't thinking properly anymore.“ Still nothing. Gerald started to worry if his ability to foresee danger may have disappeared by now. No, it couldn't be. These people aren't very subtle about their attacks at all. They must be easy to spot either way. Vincent got out a cigar and a lighter. „Unbelievable. Yesterday they annoy us like flies and now they aren't doing anything! What is wrong with these people?“ „Calm down, Vincent“, Anthony demanded. „Haven't you said a few seconds ago that they want us to lost control?“ Vincent didn't answer, but instead lighted his cigar. Or at least tried to, as the lighter didn't seem to work properly. „Just forget about your cigar“, Anthony told him before he spotted somebody on the street. Helena. She stood far away from them, almost invisible, but still there. They knew this couldn't mean anything good. Vincent got out his Gatling, ready to shoot at things. „That's weird“, wondered Anthony. „Why hasn't Gerald felt anything by now?“ He looked to his side, only to find nothing where he used to stand. His face suddenly looked a lot more panicked. „Geraldn just disappeared!“, he yelled, pointing at the point between him and Vincent. „What?“ They turned back to the street in front of them, as Helena got a lot closer. „Okay, where is he?“, she yelled at them. „Wait, you mean you don't have him either?“, Anthony asked in confusion. „What are you talking about? Are you trying to play tricky on me now?“ „Honestly, he was just with us a few minutes ago!“, Vincent explained. „Oh, I see,“ she said. „Do I have to make you fight my people to get you to tell me where he's hiding?“ „Haven't you just listened to us? We don't know!“ „Of course.“ She waved with her hand in a weird fashion, to which about a hundred people are surronding the three. „Have fun dealing with them. I'm willing to stop at any time, if you intend to tell me. But for now“, she pointed at them and yelled: „Get them!“ They all charged towards the two. Anthony and Vincent stood back to back, with the informant holding his knife and Vincent aiming at the attackers with his Gatling. „What are you waiting for? Shoot them!“ He pushed the trigger with full force, making some of their attackers fall back and bleed from their chests. „That's all you got, Helena? Do you really think that this is going to be a problem?“ „Look closely.“ Vincent looked down. The people he just shot stood up again, before jumping on Vincent before he blasted them away again. „How the hell is that possible?“ „That's simpler than you may think“, explained Helena. „Their wish to leave this dreadful place has become so strong that they can't even die.“ „What? That's just stupid!“, yelled Anthony, as he tried to get some distance to his surrounders by holding his knife in their direction. „That's like something out of a bad horror story!“ „You seem to forget that this is just a story, don't you?“ She snipped, as everything just stopped. „Just because it is stupid doesn't mean that it can't exist in this world. Anything can happen.“ „What the hell is happening?“, asked Anthony in agony. „Helena is just fooling with us. Get your best cigar out and don't stop to attack.“ Gerald had no idea what happened to him. He was walking together with Vincent and Anthony before his sight turned black. He had no way of knowing where he was, let alone who brought him here. He took slow breathes to calm himself down, before he heard a voice. „Can you hear me?“ Gerald couldn't believe his ears. That was definitely Frank who was talking to him. He responded by nodding to his question. Frank sighed. „Oh right, you don't have a mouth at the moment...“ Suddenly, Gerald got blinded by a bright light. As his eyes got used to it, he found out that he was sitting in Frank's office while being tied to a chair. „Okay, Gerald, now give me the ritual sentence.“ The author just raised an eyebrow. „Are you really surprised by this? I just saved you from the Freedom Seekers. So you could at least do me the favor of giving me that sentence. Wait here for a moment, I'm going to get you something to write.“ And so, he went to his desk to find a piece of paper and a pen. Did Gerald hear that right? Frank wanted to escape? He was right about Helena poisoning his character's mind. Frank then returned to Gerald with the nessecary equipment. „Let me just untie you.“ He went behind Gerald to cut the ropes that were holding him, before Gerald jumped out of the chair. „And now“, Frank said, while holding out the paper and the pen, „it's time for your part of the deal.“ He took the utensils and went to the desk to write something. As he returned the paper, Frank just looked with anticipation, before he read what was actually written on it: „Why do you want it?“ The detective sighed. „You want to know why? Well, maybe you have heard by now that Helena told that I was designated to be a villain, even though there aren't any hints for that whatsoever. So“, he continued, „I figured that the best solution would be to go to your world to find out why she thought that.“ Gerald grabbed the paper and hastily wrote something under his first question, before he showed it to Frank. „I never intended to make you a villain, Frank! And why would I do that anyway?“ „Well, that's weird... because I'm feeling it inside me suddenly.“ He drew his gun and pointed at Gerald with it. „Now write that sentence on the paper, or else I hope that you haven't got your daily portion of iron.“ Gerald shook his head and crossed his arms. „You really think that, just because you created me, I'm not going to do it?“, he threatened Gerald while moving closer to him. „Trust me, it would be safer for you to do what I want you to do!“ Gerald slowly moved away from him, feeling that the door was right behind him. His right hand was reaching out for the doorhandle, Frank yelled: „Oh no, you won't!“ He shot the door behind Gerald, which made him jump away from it. „Stop fooling around, Gerald!“ He jumped on the detective, ready to knock some sense into him with his fist. Frank grabbed his pistol and swung it onto Gerald head, making him fall to the ground and losing his conciousness. „Dammit“, Frank said to himself. „Now I have to wait for a few hours until he wakes up again.“ As he randomly glanced over his body, he found a lttle piece of paper sticking out of Gerald's trousers. „Hmm, or maybe not...“ He reached out for it and drew it out of his trousers, before having a closer look at it. The sentence that was written on it was completely incomprehensible, but it looked like he has found what he was looking for. „Oh, Gerald, why haven't we found it earlier if the answer laid in front of our eyes all along?“ In a victorious manner, as he still stood in front of Gerald's not moving body, he uttered the words: „Notarc no ruy oti ni nard eb lahs oy!“ Hosted by Animexx e.V. (