Sally's Song von iamamartian (das Leben von einem Teenager... oder von allen.) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: The Only Chapter. ---------------------------- Okay. This is the only way I can ever get rid of the thoughts clouding my mind. I have no idea how to put this. You see, I have this story in my mind and it’s been there since forever. The story is about this girl. This girl who doesn’t quite know how to feel, this girl full of insecurity and, well, low self-esteem. Which I realize is pretty much the same thing but you get my point. Anyways, this girl, shall we name her Sally? Okay. Sally has this big problem. A lot of problems actually… with herself mostly. Sally thinks she is unattractive but yet she thinks she is pretty enough to audition to be model. Once, Sally even got an offer while she was in the Salon getting her Hair done. But Sally just keeps on thinking that she is ugly. She thinks, “Well, its just because I stand out from the normal crowd? It doesn’t have to mean it’s a good thing. I mean, the normal crowd… all they wear are jeans and t-shirts” and so she will persist on arguing with herself and probably will succeed and then again feel insecure. Outside, sally may seem very strong and confident. She always states her opinion and is not afraid to yell… a lot. She is trapped in stereo types. Her friends think she can never shut up and yet she does. Quite often actually. Only when she talks, it always leaves a impression… a very loud one. People think that she is the most confident person and that she can even present the most boring topic and not care if people are interested or not. She doesn’t, actually. But that’s aside the point. The thing is, she isn’t confident… at all. Not about herself and not about what she is doing. Sally feels very jealous of many people. For example her classmates. Sally has a Classmate, Bridget, who keeps on beating her in every way possible. Bridget keeps on beating Sally on her grades and even once at singing. The one thing that Sally was proud about was her drawing skills. Although she was sure that if Bridget tried, she would have beaten her in no time. But in the one thing Bridget couldn’t beat her was in looks. Bridget was a little on the fat side, which was kind of bizarre because they weighed the same and were about the same height (which made Sally insecure, too). Also, Bridget had B.O. and Sally didn’t know if she had noticed. Bridget was a nice person in general. She had good manners and was very modest. But there were times when Bridget was unbearable. Once, Sally tried to great while she was talking with someone else but all she deed was push her away, literally. And when Sally told her about it she didn’t even remember. Bridget was also the kind of person you could tell your secrets to but shouldn’t. See, Bridget may give the impression of a trustworthy person but the next thing you know, she has told her best friend and told her not to tell but then the best friend wouldn’t care about Sally and then tell it someone else and so on. Not that she really means to… but she just can’t stand the temptation of Gossip (in Sally’s opinion). And then there was Georgia. Sally thought that Georgia was very… exotic. Georgia was very popular among guys but on Sally’s humble opinion it was only because she was a foreigner. Georgia had a typical face from the country she came from. Sally knew this because she had lived there for 3 years. She also thought the Georgia had a funny way of moving and that her behind looked kind of deranged. Also, she thought, that she was far to tall for her body to handle. She had this skunk-ish kind of build as though her body was going to collapse in any minute because of the weight, not that Georgia weighed much. Georgia was pretty, Sally didn’t deny that. But the little(and many) imperfections she spotted was very clouding. Georgina had this awful habit of starting something but not ending it. For example: Once, when they were on a class trip, Georgia was asking Bridget to sit down but Bridget didn’t hear and when she asked what Georgia was saying she replied with “nothing”. She had this way with hiding her face behind her hair while saying this and she says it pretty often. Also, Georgia had a weird laugh. Georgia always made this kind of atmosphere as though Sally was an incredibly weird person and that it was embarrassing to hand out with her. Georgia also overreacts a lot. Once, Sally, Georgia and Louise (another classmate), were hanging out and wanted to try the karaoke room. Louise and Georgia were holding the mike and Sally was at the back. When the song started, Georgia started to move the mike to the middle and sing rather silent. So Sally thought that she was trying to give her the mike and so she took it. To her surprise, Sally saw Georgia crying and telling her that she was “sickened” about this. The whole time at the mall was completely ruined and Sally was angry(which she was quite often, too. Sally has a very bad temper, you must know). __________________________________________ Sorry, das Ending ist ein bissel aprubt abe mir ist nichts weiter eingefallen xD Hosted by Animexx e.V. (