I'm a slow dying flower von Traveljoke (In a frostkilling hour) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: I've been treated so long ------------------------------------ When you loved the ones who were hurting you it left you no options. How could you run, how could you fight when doing so would mean loosing the beloved ones? If your life was all you had to give how could you not give it? Namine had always been a shy girl. Never outgoing, never self-confident. But always trying to be there for her friends and help them when they needed her. She knew this wasnt enough. She knew she would loose them before they even thought about leaving her. This fear ate her up from the inside. When Axel noticed that Namine was even quieter than she had been before he got angry because he didnt understand what her problem was. He told her she should think about what she is doing and that he doesnt want to talk to her unless she changes. Namine knew he was right but she just couldnt. She was already too broken to put her pieces together on her own and keep smiling. She met Sora on the island who had wanted to talk to her. He had heard about Axel and tried to cheer her up and promised her he would never leave her alone. Namine knew that this was a promise he was already braking before making it. Sora needed happy, laughing people. A sad person like her would only spoil his happy nature. She didnt need his promise and didnt want him to keep her hopes high because she knew that she would be betrayed even if Sora didnt want to. Namine never had been treated like a person with real feelings. Everybody seemed to think that she was an emotionless being that didnt need truly caring words. She understood that she would never get happy in this place and moved to another city. In Twilight Town she got to know Roxas. Roxas was nice. And very attentive. So it didnt took him long to feel that Namine was always surrounded by this sad silent. He asked her what was bothering her and she knew that she could tell him. She told him everything. About her past. Herself. Axel. Sora. Riku. Riku was the cause of her broken soul. He was the first one who ever betrayed her. They had been friends until Riku had tried to abuse her but Namine had been able to defend herself with her magic. A few days later he had visited her giving her a good luck charm, apologizing. But as she had looked at the yellow star she remembered what he had been trying to do to her. She loved him. Just as she loved Sora and Axel. They all had been her friends. But she couldnt forget what Riku had almost to her and so she sent him away. She didnt need his apologizes and promises. As Namine finished talking she is glad that she told Roxas everything and reached her hand to embrace him. He avoided this touch. Shocked by his reaction she left him. She already knew that she was sentenced to be unhappy for infinity. Now she sits at home. Lonely with nothing left but her hurt feelings which turns slowly into silent anger. Soon she finds out that all her former friends got to know a new girl named Kairi. Kairi was perfect. Namine didnt knew another word to describe her. Beautiful. Always smiling, always joking. That is what they wanted. Not a girls who is sad and silent. It is like they replaced her with something they thought it is more worth than her. She doesnt exist in anyones heart. Namine knows that now. Though all she ever wanted were people who truly loved her. A single tear rolls down her face as she realizes that any hope for this was lost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ja~ Das wars dann also. Nicht sehr lang, aber das war ja auh nicht mein Ziel. Man könnte durchaus mehr aus dem Plot holen, aber ich schreib eigentlich nicht so gerne und wenn eben nur so kurze Sachen. Außerdem ist das hier ja nur für ein Video ^_^ Trotz alledem würde ich mir sehr über Kommentare freuen <^_^> Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)