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the crime of a first kiss

Reita x Ruki


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"A-Aki... What are you doing..?"

The boys lips turned white as he pressed them together firmly.

His body started shaking a bit and he looked up at the elder male's face fearfully, his eyes wide open.

Ruki didn't know what to say about this kiss.

All he felt that moment was the impulse to run away as well as the one to stay and get kissed once again by those delicious lips.

A dream.

Ruki woke up early. Too early for his taste.

He buried his face in his hands for short, rubbed his eyes and finally stood up to get something to drink.

A quick glance at the clock: 03:26 am.

He groaned while he stumbled into the kitchen, barely seeing anything, and made his way over to the fridge, fishing in it for a bottle of water.

The vocalists lips were dry, his feet became cold on the kitchen floor and all he wanted to do was go back to bed and to Reita.

The bassist had stayed for the last three days now.

Ruki couldn't even imagine, how this had come to Reitas mind so suddenly, because he was the one who was always fearing of anyone noticing them as a couple...

Not even their band mates knew... Yet.


The cold bottle in his hand, the vocalist made his way back into the bedroom.

Reita was still asleep - a fact he was quite glad about.

He sat down on his own side of the bed quietly, tenderly stroking a strand of hair from Reitas face.

The bassist mumbled some words which sounded like "go back to sleep" and turned himself towards Rukis slender body.

The smaller male felt the tiredness in his limbs and lay down beside Reita, snuggled up to him closely.

"Goddamn, Taka.. Your feet are cold like icicles...", Reita moaned and shook, putting an arm around the other males shoulders.

"Gomen ne...", Ruki whispered and snuggled even closer, closing his eyes tiredly.

first kiss - the camera.

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second kiss - romantic?

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third kiss - the one you belong to

Quite early the small blonde woke up.

A familar hand laid on his hip, the thumb softly caressing the skin there and making him purr.

Ruki could see the bassist still asleep, his eyes closed and his face relaxed, and it wasn’t really surprising, since this situation had become something like a morning ritual.

He rolled on the side, now facing his lover, and the hand immediatly wandered around his waist to pull him close. The scent of Reita’s cologne and his very own, the warmth of the embrace and the deep breathing almost sent him right back into slumber.

His thoughts began to wander, only allowing him to have a light doze.

He could remember the first morning they had spent together this way.

Up to now this had been a long time ago but Ruki remembered watching the other’s sleeping face for about an hour; every minimal movement of these soft features, the eyes moving under his eyelids while he was dreaming, his lips moving from time to time like forming small words but no word nor sound would come out.

Again the vocal liftet his eyes to face Reita.

“I love you…”, he said softly though he knew the other male probably wouldn’t hear it.

Like for an answer the bassist pulled him closer and burried his face in the smaller’s soft blonde hair and made a small noise of pleasure due to the warm smell.

A soft smile appeared on Ruki’s lips and he setteled his head on the other’s chest, feeling the other’s heartbeat against his forehead. Again the hand started to move and made it’s way up the smaller’s spine, up to his shoulders, his neck, where it gripped the longer strands of blonde dyed hair and brushed through them gently.

“You awake..?”

The soft darkness of the bassist’s voice made him smile. Ruki nodded slightly and snuggled a bit closer to his lover who still teased his neck with his fingers.

When they touched there was no need for talking.

Reita brushed over the smaller’s cheek. Ruki smiled. Ruki clung onto him. Reita smiled.

A look, a kiss, a smile again.

The dimmed sunlight from outside through the curtains made the elder’s skin look even more like caramel to Ruki. He was sure the sun was shining but nevertheless he had no ambition to welcome the day right now… He’d favor to stay in bed for a while, maybe then having some coffee.

And as if he was reading his mind, Reita asked “Coffee?” - He nodded.

The taller let his arms trail lose around Ruki’s body and finally sat up, to get out of bed and stalk into the kitchen to make some coffee for the both of them - his lover’s black, his own with milk.

It took a while for him to get ready and take the two steaming hot cups back into the bedroom where the vocal now sat on the bed, his back resting against it’s headboard. He could feel the cool air from outside - Ruki must have been opening the window in the meanwhile - and if that wasn’t enough reason to get into the warm bed again, it would be Ruki himself, making that sugarsweet pout of his, seeming deep in thought.

“Black like your soul~”, he interrupted the smaller’s thoughts with a smirk and handed the mug to him, then sat down next to his lover and put his legs under the covers again, to get some warmth.

“You know my soul isn’t black when I’m with you.. It’s more like flower fields and animals and such then..”

“Like Hokkaido..?”


They both laughed and Ruki took the first sip from his cup, humming in satisfaction and leaning onto the elder’s shoulder who slung his free arm around him immediately. He breathed in deeply and could feel some of the blonde bangs of hair tickling his right ear while the left one was resting on the other’s collarbone.

“So… any plans for today, Taka?”


“Then what about... staying like this?”

“I wouldn’t mind at all.” Ruki smirked and sat up again to put the mug aside and stretch his back then, purring. A warm hand was places between his shoulderblades and slowly wandered lower, caressed the skin on his hips and stopped there.

Ruki blinked over his own shoulder and faced the elder’s soft smile.

It was the moment he recognized the reason why he belonged to Reita.

It wasn’t up to physical things, appearance, view on life, job, time, money, age…

It was up to the way Reita smiled at him.

And only at him.

The most honest smile he’d ever seen in his entire life.

And when he smiled at him this way - if only for a second - he knew their hearts beat the same way.

fourth kiss - sugar pain

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fifth kiss - flashback

You were the biggest nerd in playing soccer I've ever seen so far.

I was sixteen and I remember you once showing up at the local soccer place when Kouyou and me were doing some extra training for the game at the weekend ahead.

"Hey! Would you two mind me joining..?"

You were small.

Smaller than me and smaller than Kouyou - which was not so much of a hard task, since Kouyou had always have such long legs.

"Sure, why not", Kouyou answered for me, "I'm Kouyou, this is Akira~"

"My name's Takanori. Nice to meet you."

We played the whole afternoon long and laughed a lot.

We came to teach you playing soccer because you didn't know anything.

"Why in the world did you want to join in?", Kouyou laughed after a while when you, again, fell over your own feet.

"Because I'm new to this neighborhood and you seemed like nice guys~", you answered, also laughing.

I was still speechless. Besides laughing I didn't say anything the whole afternoon.

"We're the nicest guys in town, so you're lucky!", Kouyou, again, answered and patted my shoulder, grinning widely. "But you gotta be careful about this bastard, he's the gayest dude you'll ever see."

I furrowed my brows and hit his shoulder; he squirmed - very manly - and jumped a foot away.

"Ouch! That hurt!"

"I know. That was the sense of it, Mr. I-squeal-like-a-girl."

Kouyou frowned the ducky pout of his and rubbed his hurting shoulder.

"I don't mind that~ I didn't think here'd be anybody gay besides me at all.", you laughed, softly, and I stared at you in surprise; so did Kouyou.

"What? You're gay?"

"Nothing wrong 'bout that, is it?"

Kouyou slowly nodded and I started to smile.

It had been back then when I, slowly, bit by bit, fell in love with you.

We went to school together in the morning and back home together in the afternoon, since you were living only two blocks away from my place. We went out partying on the weekends and we slept over at each other's place a lot of times.

But nothing ever happened.

We were happy about the way things were.

"A-Aki.. what are you doing..?"

You looked at me, shaking a bit, and making me shiver slightly in response.

Yeah, what was I doing right here..?

You had to leave tomorrow. Your father had taken a job in another prefecture, far away. We wouldn't see each other anymore - yet, not as often as we were used to.

I was drunk - hell knows I was - but my thoughts were clear when I, again, lent in to kiss your lips in this dirty bathroom, the party to say goodbye to you and the noises of all of your friends still in the background.

I cannot tell how happy I was to feel you giving in, moving closer, your hands tugging my shirt.

I pulled you close, embraced you.

And it was then when I realized that I didn't want you to go.

You sighed when you slowly pulled away and opened your eyes, panting.

"I'm glad you're the first one to kiss me...", you whispered as you buried your head on my neck.

"The very first..?"

"I guess, kissing my Mum when I was a child doesn't count.. so, yes."

You chuckled.

We ended up at your place - your parents had been out to their friends' place as well to say goodbye.

We were impatient to rip each other's clothes off, to feel skin, to kiss, to touch.

But when it came to serious things we became calm again.

I took you slowly, carefully. I knew it must have been your first time and I wanted you to enjoy it.

We made love several times that night. I remember you always panting my name and the words "I'm yours" ever so softly. And, God, I wanted you to be mine. I didn't want you to go, I wanted this night to last forever although I knew there was no use in hoping.

Your bags were packed, we had stumbled over them when we reached for your room.

You snuggled up to me, laid your head on my chest and I embraced you gently, stroked my fingers through your black hair.



"I'm sorry..."

I turned my head because your voice was shaky and looked at you. I saw tears welling up in your sad eyes and it broke my heart. "Don't cry.. onegai..."

"I don't want to go.. I want to stay here.. with you.. with Kouyou and Yune.."

"You know you have to go, baby... But you know I'll visit you during the summer holidays.."

You started to cry.

I remember us watching the sunrise because we both didn't want to sleep.

I waved goodbye when the car drove off.

I stood there an hour longer, on the middle of the street, and looked in the direction the car had gone...


"For fuck's sake!", I sweared and looked angry at that tiny guy that had just run into me. The ice cream he had been eating before was now 'decorating' my new shirt's chest.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!", he said and handed me a tissue, throwing the ice cream cup into a nearby bin.

It was his voice that smashed me right in the face.

Of course, it must have been becoming darker, lower, over the years. But I knew it. I knew that tone, I knew that way of speaking, the way you gestured while still apologizing.

"Matsumoto Takanori.", I said.

"Wh..what..?", you said and looked questioning.

"You dyed your hair blonde..."

I seemed to take you a moment to realize. "A-Akira..?"

I threw the tissue into the bin and nodded slowly.

"Oh God...", he whispered and stared at me, motionless, because he surely didn't believe this either.

I held my arms open and finally he moved, throwing himself against me, hugging me.

"This must be fate...", he said and closed his eyes, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh come on, stop being so cheesy...", I murmured but smiled.

"You're still a burden~"


A hand on the bassist's shoulder woke him softly.

"Mh..?", he said, still unconscious, but slightly opened his eyes to meet his lover's.

"You were moaning and rolling around.. I thought you had a nightmare.."

Reita rubbed his left eye and let his head fall back into the pillow again, pulling the other close.

"Everything okay..?", Ruki asked and kissed his cheek, cuddled up to the other.

"Yeah.. just a.. 'weird' dream..."

It obviously didn't take long for the vocal to fall back into sleep because allready after a few minutes he could hear his monotonous, slow breathing and it made him fall back into dreaming as well.

"What do you do in Tokyo then..?"

"I moved here a few days ago. Taking some singing lessons and all, working~ What about you?"

"Moved here some time ago. Kouyou and I moved here some time ago. We're trying to make up a band, Yune's there too, but we're still missing a vocal and a second guitarist."


We needed a while to get close again.

A few meetings, having some band sessions, and some nights you spent over at Kouyou's and my flat. You didn't stay over the night though.

"Time to go now~ Last subway over to my place soon.", you said and stood up, moving to the hallway to put shoes and jacket on again. I followed you and watched you, Kouyou still in the livingroom and watching TV.

"See you tomorrow.", you said, smiling, and hugged me.

I held you close, "Yeah..", and finally dared to kiss your ear and your sleeve.

You chuckled. "Since when did you want to do that?"

"Since you ran into me~", I replied and we both laughed.

Moving to your tiptoes, you finally kissed me.

Your lips were as soft as I had remembered them and I felt my knees tremble under their taste.

"See you tomorrow~", you repeated and slipped out of the door, leaving me breathless and awkwardly happy.

bonus chapter!

"Stop being an asshole!"

"Then you should stop being a bitch in the first place!"

"Oh, good morning as well, you guys~", Kai moaned as he entered the studio room.

Aoi and Uruha were obviously fighting over something - again.

There had been a lot of fighting and argueing between their two guitarists over the last days and by now their bandmates had grown tired about it.

"Masu~", Ruki answered their leader's greeting and handed him a mug of hot coffee he had prepared for all of them. "Seems like this is going to be a 'great' day~"

"Obviously~", Kai sighed and let himself plop into the soft couch next to the vocal. "Where's Reita then..?"

"In the bathroom for short, he poured coffee over his hands.", Ruki chuckled and took another sip from his cup, right before the door swung open again and their bassist returned.

"Mornin', Kai-kun."


"I told you to stop, okay?!"

"Sure! When you make the first step, you idiot!"

Kai closed his eyes and grumbled, then finally stood up, putting his coffee cup aside, and walking over to the two fighting guys.

"Okay, it's enough now, we watched your show long enough, so if you don't want to tell us what's wrong, you should better shut the fuck up and finally get to work because that's why we're all here."

And that was it.

Uruha threw a deathglare over to Aoi which the said black haired returned with a lethal gaze but finally there was silence between them.

"Fine.", Kai said and raised his right eyebrow. "Let's start then~"

The practice took it's way and after an hour Kai finally announced a break.

Reita and Ruki went outside to have a smoke and Kai himself left the studio room for the bathrooms - coffee really did him no good.

Left alone, again, Uruha felt the other's glare on him and turned to the side to look out of the window.

"Are you mad at me now?", the elder asked and took the few steps over to the other, facing him, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"You called me a bitch again.", Uruha replied and stared out of the window, refusing to look at the other.

"You can't deny that you are one... Besides that you called me worse names, don't you think?"

Aoi sat down next to the blonde and, since he faced his back, touched his shoulder, stroking it softly. "I'm sorry..."

The younger stayed silent for a moment, quietly enjoying the loving touch, then slowly turned around. "No, you aren't..."

"Yes I am~", Aoi replied, calm, and gently stroked the other's cheek with his fingertips before leaning in to kiss the younger.

Uruha closed his eyes and sighed, moving his lips against Aoi's, and started to purr when he felt a warm tounge softly brushing over his lower lip, pleading for entrance.

The room fell silent as they kissed for a moment, both having their eyes closed, until the black haired pulled away and looked at the other. "So you forgive me..?"

"Seems so...", the younger whispered and smiled, earning a smile in return.

"So we can have sex tonight?", Aoi asked, obviously very cheered up.

Uruha frowned and sighed deeply, shaking his head in disbelief. "...you perv."

Aoi chuckled and kissed the other once more, softly.

"And you love it."

6th kiss - travel

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Von: abgemeldet
2013-06-08T12:27:21+00:00 08.06.2013 14:27
Ich liebe die ff *o* Ruki und Rei sind so süß zusammen<3 Das ist dem zug ist echt heiß auf so ein idee kann nur Aki kommen. Wäre schön wenn du mal weiterschreiben würdest,ich würde mich freuen <3
Von: abgemeldet
2010-05-25T10:04:51+00:00 25.05.2010 12:04
ahh that was good xD
i love reita in this fanfiction ! he is so sexy ~
awwr lovely :3

thank you very much for this ~
i want to look this 'mini movie' from the two cuties oo
shit fangirl. *laugh*

thank you, thank you, thank you ~

and i'm searching since 2006 (or 2005, dont know XD) uû
whhaa uû
Von: abgemeldet
2010-05-25T09:56:50+00:00 25.05.2010 11:56
i really love this ^-^

ich mag dein englisch total :3 gefällt mir wirklich ~ oo
schon seid monaten, (jahren?) suche ich FF's (nicht nur von gazette) auf englisch (weil ich ursprünglich aus frankreich komme und ich komm mit englisch i-wie mehr klar oô)

und ich stoße erst jetzt auf diese FF! uû
und ich such seid 2006 uû .. naja XD

wieder zu FF !

ich wollte jetzt nicht so scheiße sein und kein kommi da lassen :3
gerade deswegen das ich so lange drauf gewartet habe uû

ich mag dein schreibstil sehr :3 und respekt das du dich getraut hast.
dafür liebe ich dich schonmal *mit herzchen bombadier*
ich les gleich weiter :3 ~

Von:  Aislynn
2009-11-08T10:01:28+00:00 08.11.2009 11:01
Hey hey hey! Don't I know you~? *points finger accusingly* XD Gomen na, I would've left ya a comment on LJ but hey, since your stories are posted on both, I guess it doesn't really matter. Ima too lazy and too tired to switch to LJ right now XD Besides, mexx is where I stumbled upon those awesome fics of yours, so mexx is where I shall comment! So be it! *laughs*

Da~mn you, girl. Your Reituki is just SO what I have needed right now, I'm on utter fangirl HIGH right now. Got me all hot and bothered and also all fluffy and awww~ing. You write them GREAT! I'm still shakin with all the love and pleasure those two give each other.

Now you probably noticed from "Phoenix" that I'm someone who loves writing long and detailled (*snickers* Applies to comments as well, so YA be warned! This'll get long! Another reason I prefer mexx, actually... it doesn't have that stupid comment-length limit LJ has. I'm always having trouble with those XD) but I have to admit, your way of wording things with just the right amount of words, short and precise, is equally captivating. At some parts, I felt like a freaking newbie to smut-writing *laughs* That's something! You can be proud! I totally envied your smut-writing skills in some parts. Might be because I'm simply a sap and totally uncapable of writing Bondage, Denial, Sex Toying and stuff like that ALBEIT I like to read it when it's written as exquisitely as yours (now can you believe me that "exquisitely" took me freakin five times to type in properly and I still believe I spelled it wrong? XD That's what your sexy Reituki did to me. Complete brail failure over here...)

Now what was I saying... A yes, how much I fail at writing hardcore loving sex. I'm all for sweet and gentle and all that romantic stuff. I guess one can't have it all but LUCKILY there are people like you who are so utterly fantastic at writing heartfelt smut that can be kind of pervy and kinky and still so fond and loving. I loved each line you wrote in here (well, except the bonus chap but that's only because with an overdose of Reituki, I couldn't spare any sparkle of interest at Aoiha *sorry, boys*).

Now, now, where to start. You see? I haven't even STARTED proper commenting yet *laughs* I rarely comment on fics as it is, not because I'm arrogant or lazy (or well, I am a bi~t lazy) but because I always need like, hours to make a comment and this effort, a fic has to be worth it. Now dear, YOURS totally was. You earned yourself some word pages of my babbling, be prepared! XD Okay, brain, compose yourself, shove sleep lack and emotional excitement aside and give the girl a proper, constructive review! *brain: rattles, beeps, buzzes* Yes, I think I'm ready now.

Prolog. Loved it. Fluff all over the place, Reituki fluff, mind you, which I LOVE. Absolutely adored the last lines about poor Ru-chan's feet being all cold. So sweet! *sighs happily*

First kiss. Loved the beginning of it *laughs* Ruki, so sweet, in his dread of the e~vil camera XD Not to mention, the making out was hot as was the sex. Reita being a sexholic. Gods, suits that man SO well. Nasty enough to tape it, too... *snickers* Tsk, tsk, Reita. Gotta love him, though. Little love confession at the end made me melt.

I admit I was put off by some expressions you used during the smex scenes in the whole fic, like cock and (my most hated word altogether - dick *wrinkles nose*) BUT you used it in ways too sweet to actually be bothered much by it, even for my whacky, sensetive psyche. Another note, I absolutely adore Reita calling Ruki baby. Makes me grin like an idiot each time I read it.

Second Kiss. Aaaaah! The "LEECH" reference at the beginning! XDD Gods, awesome. Now I'll never be able to listen to that song without some fluffy/nasty thoughts bothering my mind. Drunk Ruki = win. Sexholic, dominating, controlling Reita doing drunk, beautiful Ruki in a toilet cabin - EPIC win. Congrats. You won yourself a spazzy fangirm moment from my side xP

I absolutely approve of the idea of you explaining about their past in between all that hotness and smexiness going on. It makes one feel like one'd known that pairing written by you for AGES, even from the first couple of chapters on. Way to make your readers addictive! *laughs*

Third kiss. Reituki morning snuggling in bed equal me reading with heart-shaped eyes. I love how you make even the most common situations so warm and loving. So very... Reituki. They're captivating and you very well managed to seize that captivity of theirs in words and phrases. Way to go! The last part about Reita smiling and Ruki knowing that's why he belonged to him sucessfully melted me into a puddle of happy goo. They are so beautiful.

Now, fourth kiss. Oh my god. Reita! To quote Ruki at this point ->"God, where did he take these ideas from..?" Seriously! But I admit, it was tremendously hot and arousing. Even though poor Rei-Rei had to play his fingers sore. I bet the sight had been totally worth it *snickers* And of course, he had to tape it... Tsk, tsk. Sexholic pervert... XDD But we love him still.

Fifth kiss. A~h, the beautiful, beautiful, melancholic flashback. Totally loved it. I'm generally someone who just LOVES such things. Hey, are you sure you're not a long missed twin of mine? *laughs* Makes me badly pondering the idea of doing an RP with you. No matter if English or German, I bet it'd be some serious, powerful, addicting venture. Think about it *winks* I'd definitely be up for it! x3

Back to our sweethearts here. Aw. Ruki's first kiss and Ruki's first time has OF COURSE to be with Reita. No other option, neva! *fangirl nod* Gotta love the thought of delicate, frail virgin Ruki and strong, protective, gentle guardian Reita. I'll forever love the thought of him being all protective and possessive over his Ruki-chan.

Bonus chapter... Well, like said, I only cast a fleeting glance over it (greedily picking out the Reituki bits, of course XD Reita spilling his coffee... and there I thought Ruki was the clumsy one... XD) I'm not exactly opposed to AoixUruha (I do write them myself after all as well *laughs) but I never had been able to really befriend that pairing. Dunno... I'd still rather see Aoi with Kai or something... *laughs*

Last Chapter. AWWWWWW! Utterly sweet. Poor Ruki, tortured sweetly by his amazing lover again. In a train nonetheless! *laughs* Such a cute and hot image at the same time. Reita got protective over him at that party, eh... owned me instantly. Like said, I worship protective Reita. It gave the fiction a very wonderful, smooth ending. Marvellously done, don't you dare stopping to write them! *shakes finger at you* XD

Random note, I totally love your Ruki-styled blonde hair (if you're still wearing it like that). Just wanted to say that XD You're one pretty girl, ne~ Smart, too, as I gathered you're making (or already made?) your Abitur. I myself still have a year and a half to go till I'm done *laughs* Plus, you can write emotionally and beautifully. Makes you an adorable person in my eyes. So you keep all that up, dear!

Now, drawing a final resume. Yes. Yes, you almost made it, I'm about to wrap up my bubbly comment here. Relieved? XD

Starting from the less positive things. Okay, it's a point of a person's taste which vocabulary seems proper or improper to use for certain situations. Some harder expressions made me blush then and there but it didn't disturb the natural flow of the story. So it's all fine.

Nobody is perfect, certainly. Your English is VERY good, but a few common mistakes I noticed are, you misplace the adjectives in sentences sometimes and sometimes (I suppose that comes from the German *laughs*) you forget the apostrophe in possesive words. Like "Reitas" instead of "Reita's". Fleeting mistakes and slips of pen had been there, too but I know I myself make enough of those in my stories as well, so it's not really a point of criticism *laughs*

Aside of that, your writing style is very fluent, you wary your expressions so nothing feels like repeated countless times. Some stylistic devices, especially metaphors, you are absolutely skilful in using. The descriptions are partially very beautiful and you capture emotions perfectly. The reader is easily able to feel alongside the main characters and is effortlessly drawn right into the middle of the occurances. Surroundings, scene set ups, atmosphere - always created and described nearly flawlessly so one gets a good image of where the characters are, what they are doing and why they are doing what they are doing.

More over, a LOGICAL, sensible, rational, close-to-reality PLOT and a thought-through storyline. Heaven be my witness, I saw so many shitty fics on the web already where you could puke your guts out from the utter senselessness and stupidity of them. So works like yours are a true gem to find amidst all the rubbish that is flooding the GazettE's fandom, any fandom as a matter of fact. You have style, quality and class to your stories, an idividual touch to your writing and it is obvious and pleasant that you have your personal emotional links to the characters and situations you write about. That's how it should be, that's what makes one an author.

All in all, I'm delighted by your works, as you might have noticed already *laughs* I immensely enjoyed reading them and I'd be up to read another Reituki from you anytime. My offer stands as well, do give it a thought to try a RP with me. I'm sure we could have lots of fun with it *laughs*

Now, something else...? *taps chin* No, I think I'm pretty much done. Two hours spent on writing a comment and I'm feeling good about it. You probably deserved an even longer one, but alas, this is all my brain is capable of right now XD Please also excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes in this review - unlike my fics, I don't like going over my comments twice because I end up addding things there and then making it even longer and longer and longer *laughs* And then I'd have to look it over again and add something again and look it over and add and look it over and add and [...] I'm sure you get my point XD

So, continue just like this dear! You're a fantastic writer, a fantastic Reituki writer in fact, and I'll be looking forward to further works from you!

*thousands of cyber hugs, glomps and cuddles* *squishes tight & breathless* Keep up the magnificent work!

♥ *insert another ton of hearts here* ♥


Von: abgemeldet
2009-04-15T09:09:27+00:00 15.04.2009 11:09
SUPER *_______* Ich liebe so ne Flashback-Sachen >///////<
Das ist so niedlich und so schön x333333333
Und ich wiederhol mich und wiederhol mich XDDD
Egal **
Mir gefällt es. Es muss richtig viel Arbeit sein in Englisch zu schreiben uU
Hast du aber fein gemacht XD <3
Von: abgemeldet
2009-04-15T08:57:01+00:00 15.04.2009 10:57
Fand es ebenfalls klasse *________*
Ich weiß gar nicht was ich immer schreiben soll XD, ich wiederhol mich voll XD

Von: abgemeldet
2009-04-15T08:47:03+00:00 15.04.2009 10:47
Wie süüüß <33 Mehr fällt mir dazu echt nicht ein *____*
Von: abgemeldet
2009-04-15T08:40:35+00:00 15.04.2009 10:40
Auch sehr schön *_* Wirklich gut x33

Von: abgemeldet
2009-04-13T18:53:01+00:00 13.04.2009 20:53
yaaa Lemon in Englisch ist immer toll *_____*
Liest sich erneut wundervoll x3

Von: abgemeldet
2009-04-12T21:45:01+00:00 12.04.2009 23:45
Well done x3
Also mir gefällt es und auf den ersten Blick keine gravierenden Fehler. Angenehm flüssig zu lesen x3
Englisch ist einfach schön zu lesen *hach* **
